Hill Town – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in his picture (below).
This week’s rugged view makes me think of the Maures Mountains, which tower above Medville.
And, of course, of Al himself, a pretty rugged sort of chap!
Click on this link to enter your tale, and see what others have written.

Copyright Al Forbes

Copyright Al Forbes

Hill Town

The little town has a rather bloody history.
It sits high in the Massif des Maures, and its fort was the site of the last stand of the Moors in 973 AD.
They were all slaughtered.
The views from here are breathtaking.
To the south-east lies the Mediterranean Sea, with St Tropez visible through a gap in the hills some 15 kilometres away.
Far to the north tower the snow-capped Alps.
To the north-west I am amazed to see the landmark mountain of Sainte-Victoire, beloved of Cezanne, maybe 100 kilometres distant.
My new bride points excitedly to something much closer.
What is that, she asks, indicating a small body of water maybe 10 kilometres away.
It is in a hollow, and surrounded on three sides by pine trees.
Looks like a lake, I say.
I didn’t know that was there, she says, did you?
No, I smile at her, but I haven’t spent as much time in this area as you have, my love.
The truth is that I remember all too clearly my one visit there.
It was just a few years ago, when I drowned my second wife.

View from La Garde Freinet by C. E. Ayr

View from La Garde Freinet by C. E. Ayr

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31 Responses to Hill Town – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. EagleAye says:

    Yow! That did not go where I expected. Awesome twist in the end. This story has a real punch to it!


  2. You are quite the Bluebeard, my fiction-crazed friend. 🙂


  3. Saves on divorce 😀


  4. misskzebra says:

    Very sinister, and you describe the surroundings so well. 🙂


  5. Joy Pixley says:

    Hm, and why would he come back here, I wonder? Not planning to do it again, I hope! Goodness, but you do like to kill off your wives in the last sentence. I’d think your characters would start discussing this among themselves and plot to run away — or at least, get divorced and move away — before you do them in! 😉


    • ceayr says:

      That’s a bit harsh, Joy, I haven’t bumped off a wife in weeks!
      And I make a point of never introducing my characters to each other, that could cause mayhem.


  6. Cold ending. How many more wives, I wonder?


  7. Great chilling twist at the end! (You kill all the women in your stories. LOL) I love the mountain images you painted in your story.


  8. The usual brilliant tale from you, with a good sinister twist at the end 🙂 nice job 🙂


  9. Graham Lawrence says:

    Ouch, and it was all going so well up to that point. Another great story Sir (and yes this is my real name!)


  10. Dear Ce,

    This doesn’t sound like it’s going to be the honeymoon made in heaven. I hope she can escape the madman’s clutches but I fear she’s next for the last swim.




  11. Steve Lakey says:

    Wife no. 3 needs to take care! A great, sinister ending.


  12. emmylgant says:

    A special body of water, hey?
    But yes, spectacular view.
    I like the way you weave history and topography, from macro picture to micro and, seamlessly move into the darkness of the inner world. Few can do that in as few words as you do.


  13. Reblogged this on anelephantcant and commented:
    AnElephantCant climb a mountain
    He can’t even puff up a wee hill
    The truth is that heights
    Give him great big frights
    And he stops being pink and turns green when he starts to feel ill

    Liked by 2 people

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