Hero – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture below, which this week is supplied by Ted Strutz.

© Ted Strutz

Click here to hear the author read his words:


Do you know what I detest most about war?
Well, apart from the stupid, utterly pointless waste of life, obviously.
It’s the hypocrisy.
Have you noticed it’s always the popular kids who get killed?
Never the class bully, never that weird little guy who made the girls uncomfortable.
No, stick someone in a box, drape a flag over it, and they are immediately reincarnated as the best and the brightest, the most loved, the shining light of their group.
So, for all the loathsome little creeps out there who want to be heroes, the answer is simple.
And die.

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54 Responses to Hero – Friday Fictioneers

  1. One of the (many) reasons I hate war.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Michael Humphris says:

    Well I am glad that I never got to enlist, I however did try. But they knew that I wanted to much play sports travel and not fight.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ahtdoucette says:

    So many feels for this one. So many feels. I’ve never enlisted myself but I’m reminded of people I know who have Been There. The best or most functional, if pressed, will say something like: “I did my duty. I came back. Others did not.” Enough said. Thank you for this. In honor of all those who served, living and dead, that deserve better than a “hero’s” welcome, who deserve to continue to be treated with respect and/or unfiltered memories of who they really were, because no one comes back unchanged. Peace.


  4. A trhowback memory to my being bullied days.
    Let them eat Sh-t and die.
    Have a wonderful weekend, CE.
    Be Safe 😷 … Isadora 😎


  5. subroto says:

    The creeps are busy being keyboard warriors rather than fighting a real war. Mandatory conscription might help 😉


  6. oneta hayes says:

    I don’t know that many bullies and scumbags who will enlist anywhere discipline is demanded. Not exactly a lifestyle generally demanded by a 17-18 year old.


  7. A very profound piece. There should be a “bully” test when people enlist. If you fail, you don’t get in. Save the best ones.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Laurie Bell says:

    Ouch. Great descriptions of the bullies and creepers. Always recast in death as wronged innocents


  9. plaridel says:

    it’s no use of being popular if you’re dead and can’t kiss the girls. 🙂


  10. Everyone always romanticizes the dead, so it’s not restricted to the ones who die on battlefields. Most people mean well, but it’s still an odd habit


    • ceayr says:

      Very true, Larry.
      I wonder if it dates back to superstitious fear of ghosts, that they’d haunt you if you said bad things?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes that’s quite believable. Ghost stories still entrhall. Besides that, the Catholic Church requires requires prayer for the deceased, so that also gets people interested. I see the need, in the general public, to refer favorably to the dead as being quite analogous to that. It’s a need which all of mankind somehow instinctively has


  11. draliman says:

    Very true. But you can’t speak ill of the dead…


  12. Looks like I’m safe then!


  13. Wow, you’ve really got the juices flowing on this one CE, good effort!


  14. I applaud you! Excellent story… an epic message.


  15. Dear CE,

    Popularity ain’t worth it. Most certainly a statement. Nicely done.




  16. pennygadd51 says:

    With your track record for murder and mayhem, I’d be surprised if you had a straight face while writing your second and third sentences! This story is quite reprehensibly amusing, CE. Naughty step, now!


  17. Iain Kelly says:

    Very true, so many heroes out there, so many pure and good people, it’s a wonder we ever find bad people to have a war with.


  18. msjadeli says:

    Just like the ones declared winners in a war. Never looked at it from the micro view though. Creative storytelling!


  19. Dora says:

    He gets right to the point, doesn’t he? But the dead, saint or sinner, always fare better for being dead.


  20. granonine says:

    Loathsome little creeps, indeed. But they do seem to always be with us, no matter ow many of them die and go to whatever terrible place loathsome little creeps inhabit. It’s like playing Whack-a-Mole. Smack one, and three others pop up.


  21. liz young says:

    There are a few I would like to give that advice to, if I dared!


  22. Tannille says:

    It might be the cure for Incels!


  23. Sandra says:

    I could give the make-over a miss, if it’s ok with you, CE. I never really wanted to be liked THAT much. Excellent!


  24. neilmacdon says:

    But, of course, it’s never the loathsome little creeps who die


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