Tony – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture below, which this week is one of her own.

© Rochelles Wisoff-Fields

Click here to hear the author read his words:

Tony Casquette

Well, well, imagine that.
As Willie Shakespeare might have said, who’da thunk it?
Portuguese Tony is not as dumb as he looks.
Some of you might recall that I was asked to, erm, solve a wee problem.
He was that wee problem.
Or rather, his big mouth was.
He upset a lot of people.
The wrong people.
The people who pay me to solve wee problems.
So I took the appropriate steps.
It did not go quite as planned.
So right now I have my own problem.
I’ll try again, more carefully, when I get out of hospital.

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50 Responses to Tony – Friday Fictioneers

  1. ‘Twas a flattering twist at the close!🐬💦


  2. Oops. He may have underestimated Tony.


  3. Tony is like another Steven Segal or Chuck Norris! 🙂


  4. James McEwan says:

    Gently does it, now. Everyone thinks a wee problem is easy to deal with, but if you are complacent those wee problems become an enormous headache. From a simple job of replacing a light build to electrocuting a grass can be tricky.


  5. Really liked this, very Damon Runyon


  6. I enjoyed where you took the idea of steps. Next step? A Tony redux.


  7. Oh dear, Tony wins again!! Great little tale


  8. Russell says:

    Wee Tony turned out to be a big problem!


  9. plaridel says:

    gotta live and learn somehow. 🙂


  10. Liz Young says:

    A ‘wee’ problam? Was that deliberate? Good story.


  11. He’ll leave hospital more determined than ever I’m sure! Having said that, I hope he doesn’t succeed, we’d miss Tony!

    Here’s mine!


  12. draliman says:

    I like how he’s determined to finish the job even after his little hospital visit!
    Yes, “Willie” Shakespeare was famous for spouting “who’da thunk it” around ye olde pubs of Stratford-upon-Avon 🙂


  13. JS Brand says:

    A lot of depth in such a short tale, ce. It reminds me of the seasoned gunslinger who hasn’t recognised that it’s time to retire when younger, faster people arrive on the scene. I can’t help thinking that your hero’s employers will put him into permanent retirement before Tony gets his chance. And hospitals can be very dangerous places…


  14. I chuckled at the last line, C.E. Tony is not as easy to eliminate as some of your earlier “problems.” Every hero needs a formidable foe.


  15. Nobbinmaug says:

    Even with one foot in the grave, you can’t keep a good (or bad) Portuguese Tony down.


  16. I love hearing you read your tales! Geat ending.


  17. granonine says:

    I love the way this one turned out. And I always enjoy listening to you read your stories.


  18. Iain Kelly says:

    Hurrah! Eagerly awaiting the next episode…


  19. pennygadd51 says:

    A laugh-out-loud story, CE! Good ol’, bad ol’ Tony – I’m delighted he’s still generating carbon dioxide!


  20. Flypaper Tony. Not so easy to get rid of. The last line made me chuckle.




  21. neilmacdon says:

    Yay! It’a alive! It’s alive!


  22. I love how you’ve clearly conveyed such a big story in so few words.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


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