The Trip – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in his picture (below).
I am travelling again this week, but not through time.
Just remembering a trip I once made across the great waters.
Click on this link to enter your tale, and see what others have written.

Copyright Al Forbes

Copyright Al Forbes

The Trip

Pete and I decide to do the USA, just the two of us.
We are surprised but unconcerned to see Marie at the airport.
She is pretty and lively, but this is a guy’s trip, we don’t expect to see her after we land in San Francisco.
But, somehow, she is there when we ride the cable cars, and visit the Golden Gate and Alcatraz.
When we eventually move north to Portland, Oregon, she tags along.
She is never any trouble, pays her way, mucks in, shares everything, including our room when finances dictate.
I grow to like her, then start to feel more.
We can’t, she says, what about your friend?
But in a motel in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, we all have separate rooms.
I can wait no longer, tiptoe to her door.
I hear their voices.
And that unmistakable laughter.

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30 Responses to The Trip – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. nimi naren says:

    Poor guy…Nice story ☺


  2. Dave says:

    Three’s a crowd, yo.


  3. Dale says:

    The heart wants what the heart wants. Sadly for our hero, she didn’t want his and now he finds himself the odd man out. My heart goes out to him!


  4. Susan Langer says:

    Poor guy. She would have made it happen if he was the one.:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hahaha! Just your luck! Great Story CE


  6. Ouch. You expressed that very well in those last few words. Great story.


  7. paulmclem says:

    He should have made his move sooner. Ah well, plenty more fish in the sea, as they say 🙂


  8. Another great story from you 🙂


  9. Graham Lawrence says:

    Another great story. Poor guy. I agree with Rochelle too.


  10. babso2you says:

    How sad for the fellow. Nicely done CA!


  11. afairymind says:

    I hope their friendships aren’t damaged too much by her choice of partner. A great story. 🙂


  12. Eeeesh. Poor guy. You can feel his devastation. Just a little too late. Or maybe a lot too late.


  13. Reblogged this on anelephantcant and commented:
    AnElephantCant forget that great trip
    When he goes to the US of A
    Then he climbs up a ladder
    All the way to Can-ada
    He wants to go back there some day


  14. Dear C.E.

    I felt his heart sink. A story well told in so few words.



    Liked by 1 person

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