The Job – Friday Fictioneeers

AnElephantCant help notice that it is wet there
But he is a pachyderm he does not need a brolly
He says Good Golly Miss Molly
Because he is feeling quite jolly
Please don’t think he is quite off his trolley

Once again it is Friday Fictioneer time.
Managed by the marketwise Rochelle, this is a superstore of writers from around the globe, a great mall of original thought and writing.
And AnElephant.
The idea is to write a very short story, circa 100 words, based on this picture prompt (below).
That’s it.

copyright -Janet Webb

copyright -Janet Webb

The Job

The sum that they offer is incredible.
For them money is no object.
They give him very detailed specifications.
He knows exactly what he needs and where to find it.
He gets half of his money now and the balance on delivery.
He knows they will pay.
He knows they have a requirement for a continuous supply of product.
This is just the first job.
He waits in the supermarket car-park.
He watches her put her blonde three-year old in the SUV.
Puts the cloth over her mouth and rolls her under the car.
Walks away with a golden-haired fortune.

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94 Responses to The Job – Friday Fictioneeers

  1. Abraham says:

    Very powerful in a very simple style.


  2. pattisj says:

    I want to hide my head in the sand and pretend these things never happen. That won’t make it go away, though, will it? Very emotional piece.


  3. Number two on the list! Wow, you were inspired this week. Different and dark take on the photo. This could be the start of a much longer story. Ron


  4. Wow, that’s some scary stuff. I love the cold-blooded, calculating way you laid out the setup though. Great story.


  5. wmqcolby says:

    Whoa, whoa and WHOA! Got me off guard with THAT one, Elephant! Engaging and hit me upside the head. Fantastic!


  6. camgal says:

    Excellent work


  7. Good one. Of course, in THAT parking lot, rolling her under the SUV would drown her!!!


  8. nightlake says:

    Disturbing story, but well-written


  9. hugmamma says:

    For an elephant, you have an amazing way with human words. I must confess I had to read this twice. I had to work my gray matter a little harder than usual. You’re quite a pachyderm…


  10. dreaminofobx says:

    Ahh, the shopping cart sent us both to the same place this week–kidnapping. Mine feels slightly more predictable, being from the mom’s perspective, especially given the way you kept us in the dark about the product right to the end. This is so disturbing–as much for it’s potential to be fact rather than fiction as for the stellar writing.


  11. annisik51 says:

    Good Golly! You warmed me up with the poem and then you rained ice water on me with your chilling tale. Both were excellently written and entertaining. I like the style of your chiller. Ann


  12. rgayer55 says:

    Well, that certainly got my attention. Sounds like the villain has his career plans laid out for the next few years. A chilling story, extremely well written.


  13. julespaige says:

    Oh, my gosh! A mini-thriller.

    I actually have an uplifting stand alone this week. Just couldn’t fit this photo in with the vampire series. Enjoy:


  14. vbholmes says:

    I thought drugs when I started reading, the childnapping was a complete surprise. Well done.


  15. JackieP says:

    Well that was effective! Now I will be ever vigilant for other’s children. Especially gold ones. Really well written.


  16. Adam Ickes says:

    Having a blonde nearly three year old, I both love and hate this story at the same time. You should consider that a great compliment.


    • AnElephant considers all comments a compliment, that anyone takes the time to visit and write.
      And understands your response, he has children of his own.
      But he has 100 words to generate some reaction …..


  17. zookyworld says:

    A chilling story. For the action this character takes, yes, but also the character’s take on the job — he’s so busy noting the payment that the woman seems an afterthought. Indeed, referenced as “product.” A well written and creepy story, Sir Elephant.


  18. kz says:

    omg too scary. this is one of my greatest fears, whenever i’m out with my little cousins. i’m so worried that if i turn my back for a moment, someone would just snatch them away. very dark and well written.


  19. Brilliant write from an interesting perspective. A chilling tale for sure but what is more chilling is what makes someone do this professionally and maybe we do need to look at the root causes rather than individual actions. I digress, excellent thought provoking piece. 🙂


  20. I feel the mother’s pain.


  21. RoSy says:

    Oh my!
    Sad story. But – it happens. Sadly – it happens.


  22. Such a twisted twist. I too, was lured in. Nice job writing this!


  23. Ack!! It had such a happy tone, cheerful that he had a job, but the twist at the end got me! Good job! 😉


  24. Linda Vernon says:

    Yikes! And here I was expecting a happy poem at first. Well, that just goes to show me that you can never predict what anelephantcant will do next! 😀


  25. And you were so jolly, with your happy rhyming trolley and then this! What a shocking tale. Very surprising, oh elephant can.


  26. emmylgant says:

    So very well written and wrenching.
    Impossible d’aimer l’histoire, mais impossible de ne pas apprecier le talent de l’ecrivain qui la raconte.


  27. DCTdesigns says:

    Whoa! Creepy and well written. I should have seen it coming. But like your victim did not.,


  28. a dark chill in broad daylight


  29. JKBradley says:

    It’s all economics, supply and demand, no matter how twisted the taste.

    Thanks for sharing.


  30. Now you are bad.. really bad… an icy hand gripped my heart.


  31. Al says:

    Incredibly brilliant, and unfortunately too often true.

    Another excellent write from El Pachiderm


  32. Ye Pirate says:

    Very clever tone of flippancy, and in the end it is his profession. Neatly done.


  33. It’s sad that we live in a world where we can believe this would happen and where it does happen. I really like the contrast between the upbeat way the story was told and the crushing blow at the end. Excellent.



  34. Oh, how awful! Your chipper tone makes it all the more horrendous. I can’t say “good story,” not when I feel so gut-punched over this one, but I CAN say, “Very effectively written!”


  35. H. Ken Abell says:

    Oh, that’s really horrible. Brilliant, but horrible.


  36. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear AEC,

    A remarkably well crafted story. The slow build of tension. The reveal and release and we are captive, too. Well done.




  37. Locomente says:

    Ah! Thats smart…


  38. gingerpoetry says:

    this is really “böse” – wow. Just recovered from a stomach disease it felt like it´s coming back when I read your story. But sadly some of our species are so horrible. Very strong story, respect!
    Liebe Grüße


  39. howanxious says:

    Oh… that is intense. Well-written.


  40. Dear Elephant,

    Powerful piece. Made my heart ache.




  41. Sandra says:

    Grief! That’s powerful. And topical this week with the revived interest in the McCann case.


  42. Jayde-Ashe says:

    What an ending. Powerful.


  43. Grim Sir Elephant, grim.


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