The Dip – Six Sentence Story

© c e ayr

This challenge is produced by GirlieOnTheEdge with the following simple rules:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word – SEASON

Click here to hear the author read his words:

The Dip

This is Monaco, not Medville, so the pickings are much richer, more so even than St Tropez, but this means that the risks are commensurately higher.
The season is nearly over, so I need a nest egg to get me through the winter, or go to Milan or Paris, where I am rather too well known.
You see, I’m a pickpocket, although I prefer to think of myself as a dip, which is a bit classier, and you’d have to agree that the way I lifted the wallet from that lady was pretty classy.
But, as I say, here the risks are high, and it appears that I might have blundered, not spotting until too late that she has an electronic tracker.
And a friend who is now smiling coldly at me.
This gentleman has a certain air about him, which makes me suspect that the punishment is going to be quite immediate, and very severe.

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37 Responses to The Dip – Six Sentence Story

  1. Maybe the punishment will be the encouragement he needs to shift to another career. Great take!


  2. Yikes! He has run up against modern technology. I’m sure he’ll be alert to it after this experience 🙂


  3. Well crafted story! He is truly professional, to see and calmly accept what is coming. If he survives he’ll be even better at dipping, though he may want to lay low for a season or two.


  4. Sometimes there’s an incentive for changing careers, and this might be one.


  5. Maybe the punishment will be nothing more than a split of the lady’s wallet and a future partner?


  6. clark says:

    An excellent ‘world’ for fiction and such.
    For whatever reason, I always think of stage magicians when the topic of pickpockets is raised.

    Damn! Given the value of information, I imagine the take when lifting a cell phone could be way more than a watch and some fifties.

    Hey! I just spent ten minutes following google-trails from ‘pickpocket’ lol


    • ceayr says:

      I am always delighted, Clark, when I read a comment that is longer than my story.
      And more rambling.
      Seriously, thanks, glad it provided some entertainment


  7. He’s met his match


  8. I dips me lid, ceayr. 🙂


  9. UP says:

    I’ve never heard the word dip used that way. Good six. very creative.


  10. I realized he was a pickpocket in the first sentence. Hey… it’s an under explored profession. You did it so well! {I would love to know more.}


  11. Time for the dip to drop the wallet in the harbour and scarper methinks!


  12. Excellent, CE, that artful thief sounds like he’s about to get severely undone.
    Mais, ha, incroyable, et bravo, I also wrote my Six this week about thievery in Monaco!

    Six Sentence Stories – The Thief’s Vacation


  13. Frank Hubeny says:

    I like the description of the punishment as immediate and severe.


  14. Pat Brockett says:

    I was not familiar with dip being a word for a pickpocket. Thank you for enlarging my vocabulary with this short little word giving rise to this short little story. It appears that his career may be ending for a while and jail will be his nest for the winter.
    Enjoyable SSS.


  15. jenne49 says:

    So much in just six sentences, and not even long ones!
    And as ever, not a superfluous word in this colourful conjuring up of a gentleman pickpocket – sorry, dip – and his misadventure.
    A great wee story.


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