Death – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on this picture, below, which this week is supplied by
Roger Bultot.

© Roger Bultot

Click here to hear the writer read his words:


Death,’ I say.
Sometimes I add ‘I’m here for your soul’.
Well, you might be surprised how many daft old dears and silly old codgers ask the same things.
‘Who are you?’
‘What are you doing here?’
Both reasonable questions, I suppose, when I am loitering inside their homes in the middle of the night.
And my answers are less dull than the truth:
‘Hi, I’m Darren.’
‘Just looking round for loose cash, or anything that’s easy to flog.’
Although a few of the old folks take my replies seriously.
And drop dead at my feet.
That makes me laugh.

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43 Responses to Death – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Somehow I think that the Movie “the seventh seal” would have been different if Death had answered

    “I am Darren, and I walked beside you for a long time now”


  2. Darren is fearless in his own quirky way. Maybe because he has been a thief for so long.


  3. Lynn Love says:

    It’s nice to know he gets some job satisfaction! Grime bit a great read and told with your usual dark humour – made me smile, C


  4. I was like oh lorddddd……
    lovely read



  5. draliman says:

    Ooh, but would they have died there and then if Death hadn’t been such a fibber… 🙂 I guess He has a list.


  6. A fun seeker, not a grim reaper! Bring him on – but not just yet!


  7. Abhijit Ray says:

    Lord of death out to recruit new souls! Does he really need to introduce his self?


  8. msjadeli says:

    Sounds like a scene out of “Clockwork Orange.” Those mugs were as close to death they could be hired help.


  9. It’s so good to see that Darren has a sense of humor. That’s always so very helpful when he has to meet someone who’s so very reluctant to make the big move


  10. Nobbinmaug says:

    I like the quirky Death. Death’s usually such a downer.

    This reminds me of something I wrote for another challenge if you’re interested in another take. As many ways as there are to die and as many people who die, there can’t just be one guy who does it all:

    #TellTaleThursday: Party’s Over


  11. Oy! I’m staying on the OTHER side of the street …


  12. Ah, the not-so-grim reaper. Is it true that your girlfriend ran off with Jack Kevorkian?


  13. granonine says:

    I never saw Death as having a somewhat twisted sense of humor before, but then I never thought of him as being nothing more than a burglar, either 🙂


  14. James McEwan says:

    I like how you have given Darren the panache of the pantomime anti-hero, and light-hearted approach to his chosen pastime or is it his full time career?
    it was a dark wet, cold night when I returned home. Darren had smashed his way in through a rear window, and had I been home he may have had his first wish. “””Death”, I say””.
    Nothing was stolen, no cash nothing easy to carry and flog. I heard later that Daren reported back to the Devils Den of Thieves, that my house was a waste of time; nothing- no life – not a single soul worth taking.


  15. pennygadd51 says:

    Do you know, that’s horribly believable? You’ve made up my mind for me. If somebody intrudes on this daft old dear in the middle of the night, she’ll hit first and ask stupid questions later…I’m afraid I grinned broadly at your story, CE!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Iain Kelly says:

    I like Darren, he’s managing to make his work fun.


  17. Dear C.E.

    He’s a charmer who gives new meaning to “knock ’em dead.” Happy birthday, sir.




  18. Anita says:

    Death knows no barriers or boundaries – can walk in our homes in the middle of the night.
    When death comes calling, we have to go…


  19. Sandra says:

    The man is all heart. Delivered with your usual panache, CE.


  20. Tannille says:

    I like Darren!
    I want to know more about death.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. neilmacdon says:

    I liked the contrast between the banality of the conversation and the results


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