The Sound – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in the picture (below).
This week’s
somewhat creepy photo is by the man himself.
Pass the bug spray, Al.
Click on this link to enter your tale, and to see what others have written.

© Al Forbes

Click here to hear the author read this story:
The Sound

I awaken with a start.
Normally my dreams are benign, but this one, I know, was not.
I can practically feel it slithering away to some dark corner of my mind, waiting for an opportunity to come back and haunt me.
I sip water from the glass at my bedside, and breathe.
As my body relaxes I realise what wakened me.
There is a sound.
It comes from outside the bedroom
In fact, from my computer.
Someone is tapping on the keys.
I arise swiftly, lifting my gun as I go.
I reach the door of my little study.
It lies open, I look in.
And I am filled with horror.
The person at the keyboard is literally the last person in the world I expect to see there.
I rap the gun against my knuckles to prove I am not dreaming.
And I stare at me.

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32 Responses to The Sound – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. mandibelle16 says:

    Wonderful twist. It makes me wonder if he’s dreaming. It has that deep of a kind of nightmare that doesn’t quite make sense. Hugs CE.


  2. thebankinfo says:

    Great Twist!…


  3. James says:

    You never know what you are up to when you’re asleep, or supposed to be.


  4. athling2001 says:

    Wow, what a twist. A great twist. Very Kafkaish.


  5. michael1148humphris says:

    Sometimes I think that I could write for five hundred years. Now if there were two of me, that would lighten the load perhaps. Great story.


  6. Lorraine says:

    Love the twist! And there wasn’t a dead body, . . . yet.
    Oh, to be a “fly on your wall.”


  7. Iain Kelly says:

    Very Twilight Zone. Still, it could work out well, one to do the work, the other has much more free time to enjoy.


  8. Oh my gosh! That ending made me exclaim that out loud. Crikey your writing is good. Can’t add much more to that! It’s great ☺


  9. Mandie Hines says:

    Such a fun tale this week. I have thought many times that I need more than one of me around.


  10. Susan says:

    Creepy. Unless this other you is finishing up a last minute project. Then I say, go back to bed! Excellent story.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. That was a twist I did not expect. Excellent tale CE. Please tell me he shot him. That someone died at least. hehe


  12. Oh! was that an hallucinatory experience? So very tautly written, Ceayr.


  13. Is he a ghost or a dream?
    Good one CE, hope you are well. I have missed “seeing” you.


  14. That is scary, C.E. Your doppelganger has paid a visit. That can’t be good. O_o Good writing as always. 🙂 — Suzanne


  15. Steve Lakey says:

    Another great edgy tale.


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