Trapped – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
Today’s photo is by the delectable Dale, queen of the Eluvise Typo Pepole!
A delightful lady and a dear friend.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Dale Rogerson

© Dale Rogerson

Click here to hear me read this 45-second story:

We are not moving quickly enough.
We have to get out of this tunnel before they get men to the escape hatch.
I can hear footsteps pounding along behind us, know the first pursuer is close.
They have better weapons than we do, but if I surprise the first one, then I can use his against those who follow.
I step into a small recess, watch anxiously.
When I see him I breathe a sigh of relief.
Colour is not my strong point, but his shirt is clearly red.
Everyone knows he is only there so no-one important gets killed.

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75 Responses to Trapped – Friday Fictioneers

  1. pendantry says:

    Have you read ‘Red Shirts’ by John Scalzi? If not, you ought to, it’s a scream 🙂


  2. I never knew that about the red shirts. I gotta giggle that he is a bit color blind though. I know some guys at work like that…and we make magazines for a living! I’ll never forget we ran a whole job for a local college with a blue cover. When I came in that night I hit the stop button and asked why is this not purple?.(the school color) The response was “It’s not?” :/


  3. Ah, the men in red. Those guys were always cannon fodder. Hilarious, C.E. Good writing. 😀 — Suzanne


  4. Michael Wynn says:

    I’m no Trekkie either, so was thinking British army until reading the comments. Nice take I enjoyed it


  5. I loved the sigh of relief on seeing the red shirt! We always knew the non-speaking extra in red was cannon fodder.


  6. HonieBriggs says:

    I liked your build up. Mine is a family of Trekkies. We call the actors in red shirts “spares”. Every scene with one gets a resounding “spare alert!”


  7. liz young says:

    Until I read the comments above I didn’t register the Star Trek reference. The tension was palpable, though, so I liked your story anyway!


  8. elmowrites says:

    I never got why in subsequent series they swapped it all around and put red shirts on the superiors, but maybe it was to keep the aliens guessing. Amusing story, CE Ayr!


  9. Lots of tension and build up in this one, CE.
    Sadly, I’m not a fan of sic-fi or fantasy stories of rescued maidens in distress.
    However, your writing is so superior that it can be read or listened to and not be boxed in.
    Have a wonderful weekend …
    Isadora 😎


  10. awesome, and loving the ‘red shirt’ allusion!


  11. Ashley Danielle says:

    I loved the suspense as they made their way down the hallway and I felt the break of tension with the Star Trek reference helped me a lot! Great piece! Thank you!


  12. I’m not a Trekkie but like the idea that red-shirt is expendable! The tension building up to the last line was cleverly done.


    • ceayr says:

      Funny thing, Clare, neither am I!
      But I remember from around the time of the second Jacobite Rebellion when Bill Shatner was only middle-aged that the ‘lucky’ crewman was never going to see his pension.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. rgayer55 says:

    All hail the Queen of the Eluvise Typo Pepole! Whoorrey! (Maybe we should go with ebonics spelling next week).
    Too bad for the sacrificial lamb in the red shirt. Instead of Born to be Wild, he can sing Born to be Expendable for his theme song (or funeral hymn). They may as well hang a Target logo on his shirt and award points for hits closest to the bullseye.


    • ceayr says:

      Ah, yuo obvouisyl kown Dela, Russlle, she is very sweet but a bit impetuosu.
      Or maybe that Brucie favourite, Born to Die.
      The lack of a target was probably an oversight, it would have focused the baddies even more than just the bright red rag to the bull.


  14. mandibelle16 says:

    Sorry *state not Stantec – they’re an engineering firm from here.


  15. mandibelle16 says:

    I have two-brothers who watched the star treks extensively. I’ve seen the new movies and the oldest Star Trek on reruns. Thinking back you’re all right, the person in the red-shirt does always die, I guess it’s his/her job to stick out like a soar thumb so no one important dies, as your last lines Stantec CE. Hugs.


  16. handmadejewelryhaven says:

    “Aye, the haggis is in the fire now for sure.”
    – Lisa


  17. It so interesting to read the comments and the obvious relief that “it’s only the red shirt”. A very twisted group, we mortals.
    I’m smiling,


  18. Love it. Very clever putting in the red shirt! 🙂


  19. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover says:

    Good pacing, with a great build up to a funny end. Nicely done!


  20. Lynn Love says:

    Haha! Fantastic! A great start – part way through the action, always good – a nice tense build and that – wham! – finish with a Star Trek reference. Love that C. Made me smile 🙂


  21. Hahaha yes indeed Star Trek. You knew the person with the red shirt and no lines was expendable


  22. The opening of an intriguing tale!


  23. wmqcolby says:

    Nothing says “You are SO screwed” than being on Landing Party duty with Captain Kirk, Mister Spock, Dr. McCoy and you’re Ensign Whoever, the security guard.
    Which dumb S.O.B. is gonna get scragged first by the hostile natives?
    Why did the Enterprise have such rotten security guards anyway?
    Five out of five “Scotty, save my bacon!”s.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Who knew there were so many Trekkies among us. Admittedly, that never occurred to me; I was swept up in redcoats and the idea of battle anxiety. As always, wonderful story CE.


  25. James says:

    I too thought of the “red shirts” on the original Star Trek series. They all die with the exception of Scotty and Uhura.


  26. Dale says:

    Hey! I resemble that remark! I’ll let it slied (yes, did that on purpose)
    Like many, I could not help but think of the “disposable crew member” from the original Start Trek series… Fun stuff!


  27. Tamal says:

    Doctor Who. Corridors and running. Fantastic


  28. Sightsnbytes says:

    I was thinking Star Trek here, and the poor red-shirt crew members who never make it back to the Enterprise. nice story


  29. Iain Kelly says:

    I was thinking Star Wars route until the red jumper. Live long and prosper!


  30. This get me a sense of an ant society… everybody has a clear role. (but it could be star-treck as well)… maybe the important one is close.


  31. michael1148humphris says:

    Red so you don’t see the blood. Good shot.


  32. Dear CE,

    I guess everyone has to have a purpose in life, don’t they? Well constructed with a good build of tension until that sigh of relief at the end.



    PS I’m sure Dale will appreciate your glowing introdcution.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Sandra says:

    Ah, a Man-U supporter! Good luck then! (I’ll get my coat…)


  34. My heart was racing right along with him.


  35. neilmacdon says:

    A bit like the Scots and Irish regiments in the Victorian British army


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