Breakfast Epiphany – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and he standard.
somewhat moody image by Roger Bultot reminded me of my last Great American Adventure, a few years ago, and pancakes for breakfast.
And this conversation.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Roger Bultot

© Roger Bultot

Click here to hear me read this 70-second story:
Breakfast Epiphany

So did you do it?
Pancakes, I think.
I guessed you would react badly.
Maybe bacon.
But that was rather extreme, don’t you think?
Orange juice.
I mean, I know what they did was wrong, but…
I am hungry now.
All three of them, and what a mess!
Where’s the server?
There are bound to be repercussions, something pretty drastic, I’d say.
Ah, there she is.
There are others to consider.
Let’s order, okay?
Do you never worry about the knock-on effect of your actions?
Mmm, what were you saying?
Glad we talked, good to hear your side of it.

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47 Responses to Breakfast Epiphany – Friday Fictioneers

  1. I don’t think I want to know what was done. It seems it didn’t affect his appetite. Good writing, C.E. 🙂 — Suzanne


  2. Very subtly written. And the conversations are so bland but then so very relatable. Excellent writing, as always.


  3. k rawson says:

    Great portrayal of the inside and outside of a conversation, but I’m more than a little concerned what it is that he did!


  4. His coolness and concern for breakfast over anything is the scariest part of this.
    It really gets the imagination going!


  5. subroto says:

    Drinking orange juice after eating your bacon can be beneficial. Mmm bacon.


  6. Al says:

    I love it. Leaves you wondering what was done that could be so bad. I mean, first impressions are a triple murder. But knowing you, it could be anything like stamping on ants, or letting dogs out. I’m going for murder though lol


  7. liz young says:

    Two people not talking – this is so familiar and well-observed.


  8. Rowena says:

    I notice so many people having one sided conversations and just wanting to talk without stopping to draw breath. So, I can fully understand you scenario here and find it very true to life. Well done. xx Rowena


  9. I love the undercurrent of thought. I have many of those, then a friend/co-worker/husband will say, “I TOLD you that the other day.” Really? A Merry Christmas to you and yours.


    • ceayr says:

      Thanks, Alicia, the world is full of conversations like this.
      It has even been suggested that I am personally guilty of not always paying atten…
      Ooh, a butterfly


  10. Dale says:

    Och! Funny. I did not assume it was a couple “talking” at a table but with all the comments, I’ve been redirected to think it is… Just how many conversations like this are going on around us? Well done, sir


  11. rgayer55 says:

    Yes, I enjoyed hearing his side of it too. Now, where’s breakfast?


  12. mandibelle16 says:

    I enjoy how you structured this. Him thinking and I assume a her talking but I could be wrong. Is “knock-on” effect like the “repercussions” of his actions in a more physical or worldly sense as in someone might notice. Or is it more like “Karma” or “doing unto others” and having that come back to haunt him. Just wondering 🙂


  13. Ha.. I wonder if that’s how a man would sign the paper, being hungry.


  14. Excellent story! I love the way you’ve written the lines.


  15. Sandra says:

    A man of few words, but great appetite. Excellent!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. wmqcolby says:

    I SO enjoyed this, CE. And, yes, the voice-over was terrific as usual. In our neck of the woods, a Scotch accent is always a treat. I wondered what they were arguing about between the lines. My question is, what did you have in mind with the line “all three of them?” I’m curious.

    Merry Christmas to my favorite Scot! 🙂


    • ceayr says:

      It seems that someone (or 3 someones) did something to someone else, and our hungry protagonist took exception to it and responded.
      (As I do, occasionally with an axe, if Russell is to be believed.)
      Thank you for kind words re accent, but I am nobody’s favourite Scot.
      Depending on gender that is usually Mishter Connery or Ms Annie Lennox, who I think Must Be an Angel (Playing with My Heart).


      • wmqcolby says:

        Well, whatever the case, as for Connery and Lennox (both VERY fine talents), I personally don’t know them nor have I met them, so I don’t get these exclusive hearings of the accent from them like we get from you. In fact, I think you may be on to something with this recording thing. It makes the blog unique from others which gets people’s attention, more followers, more notice of work and, when the books are published, more potential buyers! Nice. I hope more people jump on the recording bandwagon of Sound Bite Fiction (great title!).


  17. Oh man. This is so true to life. I look at couple who pass an entire meal in bitter silence and wonder what’s going on in their heads.


  18. Dear C.E.

    There seems to be a failure to communicate. I’m not sure there was a true epiphany. At first I thought it said Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It’s still dark here. Love hearing you read. Loved your exercise in ambiguity.




    • ceayr says:

      Ya think!
      No, the pun was ironic, but happy you picked up on it.
      Glad you enjoyed, I love the thought of you sitting in the dark listening to my voice!
      Twilight Zone Xmas Special!


  19. paulmclem says:

    Very clever idea, well executed.Feels like a conversation we’ve all had, from both sides.

    Merry Christmas,



  20. Iain Kelly says:

    Well, seems like they worked up an appetite for a large breakfast anyway….! 🙂


  21. neilmacdon says:

    That sounds like so many dialogues. I mean that in a good way. It was incisive


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