Garrotte – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
And, just to prove that she is multi-talented, she also provides this week’s prompt.
This photo has so much going on, it is a treasure trove for any writer.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


Yes, sir, she was, in fact, garrotted.
But who would do something so barbaric?
We are hoping you might tell us that, sir.
The questions go on, seemingly endlessly.
Despite the fact I have proof I was far away, I am obviously the prime suspect.
The husband always is.
But I am confident that my alibi will hold up.
I was with two friends, respectable professional men, and their wives.
I know so much about them.
Things they prefer remain secret.
As the detective continues probing, I lift my favourite model.
And caress again its flexible, slightly discoloured wires.


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60 Responses to Garrotte – Friday Fictioneers

  1. rogershipp says:

    Well done… the perfect crime… Until one of the friends comes unraveled!


  2. Margaret says:

    Foolproof alibi, brilliantly concealed murder weapon – he’s home and hosed and he knows it. Terrific story, CE.


  3. I read your story a couple of times and got part of it, all but the end. Then the part about the wires finally came to me. I agree that is creepy. Well written, C.E. —- Suzanne


  4. ansumani says:

    What a clever way to hide the murder weapon! You are giving me ideas…for a story ofcourse 🙂

    Nicely done.


  5. subroto says:

    ” flexible, slightly discoloured wires”
    Ha! I like this slightly twisted and creepy ending.


  6. wmqcolby says:

    It’s a great story, C.E., but I read it several times and didn’t quite get it. Did he murder a woman and turn her into a puppet?


    • ceayr says:

      Um, no, sir.
      He garrotted her with the wire from his favourite model ship.
      Glad you liked the story despite the lack of clarity.


      • wmqcolby says:

        You never disappoint, C.E.. Besides, if I have a question about a story, I always am not afraid to ask. If people question mine, I’ll gladly share, since sometimes stuff gets read under the radar now and then.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Thom Carswell says:

    A very sinister, well crafted character. He must know some particularly interesting things about his ‘alibis’! I wonder if his arrogance will eventually be his undoing.


  8. plaridel says:

    didn’t have a clue. what a twist.


  9. ah, the title said it all, I was prepared for another foray into your dark amusement!


  10. rgayer55 says:

    Let’s hope his favorite model didn’t suffer irreparable damage from the altercation. Damn her for discoloring the wires, and damn those other two couples for their unspeakable acts.


    • ceayr says:

      Don’t you worry your pretty little head, Russell, no models were damaged in the writing of this story, honest injun, and all that stuff.
      All’s well that ends well, as someone once said.


  11. Wow Ceayr! My type of story, love that he has a ‘favourite model’. Well written and a fantastic take on the prompt!


  12. Wow! Talk about new curvy Barbie! Hard to believe that’s enough to make a guy commit murder but I suppose it is anatomically correct, right? Had me fooled to the end.


  13. An author after my own heart! My stories for the most part are dark so, I loved it. @sheilagood at Cow Pasture Chronicles


  14. Dale says:

    Way too comfortable to not be guilty and dangerous… well done. Though why he would have, whatever it is, his favourite model is so close at hand is a mystery…


  15. Sandra says:

    “flexible and discoloured”. Your MC has certainly got the edge on the detective, not to mention the inside track on his alibi-providers. So cool a character – petrifying. Well done – you never disappoint.


  16. d3athlily says:

    Wow. That is spine-tingling. I had guessed it, but that final line sent chills. Great voice here.


  17. liz young says:

    He’s taking a chance in bringing that particular collectable to the detective’s attention!


  18. Thought provokingly chilling.


  19. michael says:

    Seems that the detective should be more observant, I rather liked your use of the wires.


  20. Ouch … I agree the caressing makes it so much worse… I have a feeling he has done it before, and will do it again… chilling to the core.


  21. Oh his calmness is chilling. Well done.


  22. There is always an added layer of creepiness when the main protagonist is so cool and collected. Nicely done, as always.


  23. Oh, he is an evil one, isn’t he? “I know so much about them.Things they prefer remain secret.”
    Delightfully telling.


  24. mickwynn2013 says:

    Yes very chilling, he just seems beyond evil.


  25. emmylgant says:

    Ah! The wires… Where your mind goes is always a surprise even when I know murder is coming! Caressing the “flexible, slightly discoloured wire” is the killer line. Well done.


  26. Dear C.E.

    Frightful way to go. The husband’s caress of the wires is downright spine chilling. Well done.




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