Valentine’s Day

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in his picture (below).
This week’s photo shows his romantic nature, a photo of rhinos in a field.
So St Valentine’s, Al, you big sop!
Click on this link to enter your tale, and see what others have written.


Copyright Al Forbes

Valentine’s Day

Whatever, is that what is in the picture?
Yes, those are rhinoceri in the photograph.
And is that what you are writing about?
Yes, that photo is what I am trying to write about.
Oh, are you finding it hard this week?
I wasn’t, until the interruptions.
What… Oh, you mean me?
Yes, dear, I mean you.
Oh sorry. Actually, no, I’m not.
You’re not? You enjoy ruining my creative process?
Well, you are so self-centred, aren’t you?
Did you read the poem I sent you last week?
Not yet, I had some technical problems, you know.
And you haven’t found two minutes to read something I wrote specially for you?
No, I have been trying to catch up on work after this thing kept crashing.
And all of that is more important than me?
I’ll read it as soon as I finish this, okay?
No, I don’t want you to, just delete it!
I’m not going to delete it, I’ll read it now.
I have changed my mind about what I wrote. Delete it or I’m leaving.
Don’t be silly, you are over-reacting.
Happy Valentine’s Day, idiot!
(The door slams.)

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33 Responses to Valentine’s Day

  1. luckyjc007 says:

    I’m guilty of reading it with the husband not wanting to stop what he is in the middle of doing just so he can read what she wrote…assuming it could wait. After all, it had only been a week since she sent it to him! I’m surprised she waited a week to get a reaction from her personal message to him! Great story….so typical in so many ways. 🙂 Yes, I do understand that these roles are easily reversed. 🙂


    • ceayr says:

      You are guilty only of reading it as it was written, JC.
      Yes, the roles are reversible, but mainly only in contrariness in my replies to comments!
      I hope you enjoyed, regardless of gender assignment.


  2. Sally says:

    A timely reminder to take time for the other person in a relationship. Well written.


  3. Dear C. E.

    Although I’ve read the comments I’m not assuming anything gender wise. Men can be just as hypersensitive as women and just as quick to over react. Just saying. Happy After Valentine’s Day. ❤
    Believable dialogue I'll add.




  4. mandibelle16 says:

    Very enjoyable piece. I felt like I was watching a long married couple bicker over the wife’s Valentine’s poem to her husband. Entertaining, and typical man 🙂


  5. Yes, such is life. We all know about this situation. It is shocking that the loved one doesn’t read messages!


  6. joannesisco says:

    Have you been eavesdropping?!! That’s a conversation Husband and I have down to a fine art 😉


  7. Steve Lakey says:

    The course of true love, eh… 🙂


  8. MythRider says:

    LOL Guess this could go both ways: Laugh Out Loud & Lot’s Of Love.
    Some Valentine short story. Maybe next time he’ll read her email. That is, if she ever sends another email.


    • ceayr says:

      Another comment assuming the male-female relationship!
      Interesting, my dear sir!
      Glad you enjoyed.


      • MythRider says:

        You’re right. You never said who was who. I was thinking it was you trying to write and your wife was asking how it was going and your imagination kicked in.
        (See how I didn’t assume you were the one ignoring her emails.)
        PS. I’m not the only one who assumes male/female identity.
        Phyllis ;0)


  9. Very clever writing.


  10. Dale says:

    The complaint of wives all over… 😉
    Happy Valentine’s Day, mon ami! xoxo


  11. athling2001 says:

    Funny and realistic. Thanks.


  12. The Voice says:

    I’m guessing it’s not a good sign when someone punctuates “Happy Valentine’s Day” with the word “idiot”. I’m also guessing rhino’s don’t care about poems or Valentine’s Day or such things. Maybe we could learn a little something from them. Nice story.


    • ceayr says:

      Your first guess is good.
      I have no clue about the amorous predilections of this beastie.
      And I am staying well away from the obvious and somewhat vulgar joke!


  13. That made me laugh. I was going to use a bunch of flowers as the prompt, but thought that the love of a pair of animals could be more widely used.

    I love the way you created this. At first I thought it was two sides of one person until the last bit.


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