Missing – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
Marie Gail’s intriguing image took me, unsurprisingly, to a dark place.
With a ray of sunshine.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Marie Gail Stratford

© Marie Gail Stratford

The police are rude and uninterested.
I explain this is quite out of character.
My friend is a lady of a certain age.
She does not answer phone calls or texts.
I give up in disgust, check out her house again, then search her internet haunts.
The police arrive.
Incredibly, they remove my laptop, physically preventing my interference.
Then she appears.
She did not answer her phone, she says, blushing, because I would have asked questions she prefers not to answer.
I laugh, hug her.
I stop laughing when I am arrested for what they find on my computer.

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81 Responses to Missing – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Margaret says:

    This story will keep me occupied for quite a while filling in the blanks. It’s a choose-your-own adventure type of thing. Fun.


  2. Intriguing tale. I say he’s innocent of any wrong-doing, though it certainly doesn’t appear that way. We’ll see.


  3. It reads as though these two might be “two good ones together”.


  4. mjlstories says:

    What good citizens all these nice people are. Enjoyed your piece and afraid I assumed the police could be the guilty ones. (One of the clues was the lack of that warrant obviously, but mainly due to my natural cynicism) So what did they find – probably a stash of Friday Fiction.
    I’ve broken the 100-word barrier this week (but still brazenly used the photo) so I’m sleeping badly, waiting for the Flash Fiction Police to call. I’m pouring honey into the hard drive right n


  5. Dee says:

    I started out liking him for his concern, then wondered why he was concerned,then didn’t like him at all – this is just what you wanted. Artfully crafted CE, well done 🙂


  6. Now this one has me stumped. The police are rude and uninterested — yet they turn up. The narrator is clearly concerned for his friend, a woman of a certain age which makes me think that she is at least 50. This confirmed by her not answering the phone or texts. What questions did she not want to answer I wonder. I have the narrator down as around twenty five. There must be some skulduggery afoot as she turns up when the police turn up. And what they find on his computer I can only guess at. I have a feeling it is something to do with that mouse.


  7. Ouch! Inside every saint is a sinner?


  8. jwdwrites says:

    Wonder what he did… Good story 🙂


  9. Graham Lawrence says:

    Thoughtfully written. Great depth!


  10. Dave says:

    Meanwhile, down at the station, the cops are passing the laptop around. “Get a load of this Herman! Gor Blimey!”


  11. Am I the only one who thinks that “nice lady” is the one with the criminal intent? I submit that while searching her haunts he downloaded her nefarious websites but he took the rap. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


  12. Well played, CE. The subtlety of this piece is a sharp kick to the gut, as we go from appreciating a good friend to a creepy sense that he may not be such a great guy. Very well done.


  13. Sumana Roy says:

    seems he was well trapped…nicely told…..


  14. No good deed goes unpunished even if you’re a pervert?


  15. Nan Falkner says:

    She must have sensed something “off” in him. I’m glad he got caught. Good story! Nan


  16. Ha. That is so not funny, funny, not funny.


  17. My interest is piqued. Good story.


  18. storydivamg says:

    Nice work. A tale expertly told. I struggled a little to grasp the turn in the story–here in the states a computer couldn’t be searched without a proper warrant. But the lead up–the concern for her–worked beautifully.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


    • ceayr says:

      Thank you for the kind words, Marie Gail.
      But I nearly choked on my croissant when you expressed your views on the USA’s post-9/11 legal system.
      I am sure such things never happen in the land of the free, where this tale is not set.

      Liked by 2 people

  19. Creepy. He seemed so nice.


  20. Alas I think what was found on the computer made me think that they managed to rescue the lady…


  21. I want to know what happened, what did they find?


  22. Lynda says:

    Oh dear, that poor fellow!


  23. Bad luck. But maybe a bad man (though good with words).


  24. ansumani says:

    Unexpected twist at the end there….wonder if it was visiting the lady’s usual internet haunts that led him to trouble or his own haunts. Nice suspenseful story.


  25. That was a strange turn at the end but a suspensful one! Creepy good!


  26. k rawson says:

    Excellent ride.I want to know more!


  27. Oh, interesting little twist at the end. Was he caring soul or a bad, bad man? Keeps us guessing.


  28. Caerlynn Nash says:

    I see a whole novel in this story perhaps. Love the unexpected ending.


  29. emmylgant says:

    Sooo good! Thouroughly enjoyed that one. Unpredictable all the way.


  30. misskzebra says:

    This is why you should never buy a second hand computer…


  31. micklively says:

    I like the “no place to hide” aspect.
    Good piece.


  32. Sandra says:

    Now that was a twist with a difference! I wouldn’t say my liking for the character evaporated, (because of course we don’t know exactly what was on the computer – plans for a bank robbery perhaps?) but my feelings for him were expertly diluted. Well done.


  33. Dale says:

    Well now… a great 90-degree turn once again. Begs one to wonder just what was on that computer!


  34. Dear CE,

    I’m glad that the lady friend is safe and sound but can only imagine what the police found on his computer. Love the way you set the tone and turned it on its ear. You’re good at that. 😉




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