19th September 2014 – Friday Fictioneer

AnElephantCant always write fiction
About a candlestickmaker a baker or a butcher
But there is no looking back
Today he writes fact
Although his tale is set a few months in the future

Once again it is Friday Fictioneer time.
Presented weekly by Rochelle, gracious hostess to the creators of excellent stories.
And AnElephant.
The idea is to write a very short story, circa 100 words, based on this picture prompt (below).
That’s it.

Copyright Erin Leary

Copyright Erin Leary

19th September 2014
Another dreich morning somewhere in the Trossachs.
But that soft drizzle is the reason why the countryside is so green, the glens so verdant.
And the reason for the great lochs, like Loch Katrine which supplies Glasgow with its water.
And, not far away, the world-famous bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.
But this morning is different from any other morning in living memory.
The air is electric with a sense of promise.
Even the children leap from bed in anticipation of a new beginning.
Because today, for the first time in over 300 years, Scotland is again an independent country.

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65 Responses to 19th September 2014 – Friday Fictioneer

  1. rheath40 says:

    Terrific piece sir!


  2. Sarah Ann says:

    Have you sent this to Alex? Beautifully painted – those children and all that anticipation.


    • AnElephant does not know Alex, as far as he is aware.
      But please, put us in touch if you think he might enjoy.
      AnElephant appreciates your compliments very much.


      • Sarah Ann says:

        I meant Alex S, although deputy Nicola does seem to have been far more prominent recently (on the BBC at any rate). I think your story would bouy them up.


        • Ah, AnElephant is slow on the uptake!
          Interestingly (or otherwise) a thinly-disguised Ms Sturgeon features significantly in AnElephant’s free e-book.
          Please take a look, it is a short and punchy thriller, you will read in an hour.


  3. storydivamg says:

    I often find political pieces a bit awkward. Regardless of which side of the issue I stand on, I can usually see points from both sides. In this case, you’ve written a gorgeous flash fiction, and I have to cheer for the Scots by the end despite personal ambivalence concerning this particular issue.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


  4. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Elephant, I know some wonderful people from Scotland. He is a golfer and she is a bonnie lass. Beautiful people (literally and personality too). Very well done, I don’t know the right answer but the correct end will occur at sometime. Well written! Nan:)


    • AnElephant glows again at Nan’s kind words.
      And she should know that all Scots are ‘beautiful people (literally and personality too)’.
      And AnElephant, like Pinocchio, has a long nose!


  5. I love the sense of place in your story. Here’s to the future you hope for! What I most like is that it is being decided peacefully, in the ballot box.


  6. erinleary says:

    A proud day, to be sure. I like your take on the prompt.


  7. That would change things a bit in that part of the world. Do you think Northern Ireland would want to follow or Wales?


    • David, if you seriously would like my views on this please feel free to email.
      I am happy to hear from you, and to discuss at length the ramifications of change to self-determination.


      • But let me emphasise something.
        We are not anti-English, we are against a City-centric Westminster Government which is now corrupt and arrogant beyond belief.
        And this has sadly become the case regardless of which party is in power.


  8. elappleby says:

    It’ll never happen – they need us 😉
    (and we need their oil)


    • What exactly do we need?
      The expensive obscenity of Trident?
      Imperialist war-mongering?
      Blind support for the richest in society (the City) at the expense of the poorest?
      Gosh, it is so obvious!
      Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment.


  9. Is this tomorrow’s fiction? Or todays’ truth? And are you talking about independence from the English and other landowners and oligarchs that control most of the wealth? But beautifully written.


    • It is clearly a glimpse into the future, and therefore fiction.
      AnElephant talks of the current campaign for Scotland to achieve self-determination.
      Thank you for the kind words.


  10. Locomente says:

    Carries hope and optimism…


  11. Horus says:

    May your Elephantine dreams come true !


  12. Jan Brown says:

    A beautiful piece and a beautiful wish for the future!


  13. A quiet and hopeful tale.


  14. How very exciting!


  15. Are you sure Hamish didn’t have a hand in this story?? 🙂 All the best and may your story be prophetic.



  16. RoSy says:



  17. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    I want to say something supportive, but all that’s popping into my head is quotes from “So I Married an Axe Murderer.”


  18. Well done – happy ending and may Scotland soon be independent. The English will do just fine without Scotland.


  19. wmqcolby says:

    I can see old Sean Connery and company doing a huge dance on that day. Marvelous, Elephant!


  20. Elephant, Great story and I hope for the best for all the brave and loyal people of Scotland. 🙂 —Susan


  21. Oooh I love the mood this piece gives off. So very dreich (I too like Rochelle had to look it up!)


  22. Al says:

    It’s funny isn’t it. The film Braveheart is about Scotland become free of England. And they all died for nowt as it was fought in the rooms of politics to bring them into the United Kingdom – or is that Queendom? I wonder how everyone will be if the vote is successful. I know it will be difficult at first, like a child going out to live on their own for the first time.


    • No, my friend, they did not die for nothing, they left a legacy that has lasted for 700 years. And we did not come into the UK, we were equal partners in the founding of it.
      And yes, it will be difficult for the English without us, but we will help you to get by!
      We do not forget our friends.


      • Al says:

        Haha 😉


        • Ah, Al, you laugh, but when we are free and clear you will still be paying for the useless obscenity that is Trident and the vile wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And making sure that Dave’s chums in the City keep getting richer while you get poorer.
          AnElephant wishes his English friends well, but fears for their future.


          • Al, this is what I said to David Stewart above:
            But let me emphasise something.
            We are not anti-English, we are against a City-centric Westminster Government which is now corrupt and arrogant beyond belief.
            And this has sadly become the case regardless of which party is in power.


  23. Ah.. what a nice point .. 🙂


  24. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear AEC,

    You’ve tugged at my heartstrings with this one, sir. I should have known the significance of the date, given my heritage. Thank you for this great story and wonderful reminder to celebrate.




  25. Dear Elephant,

    I love it. And the fact that you taught me a new word makes it even better. Dreich. Lovely atmospheric and uplifting piece.




  26. “There is no greater victory than to fall from this world a free man.”


  27. emmylgant says:

    J’imagine… avec un grand sourire.


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