Eruption – Ligo Haibun Challenge

AnElephantCant remember so long ago
To the time he first became a fan
When The Prophet began
To tell of the man
The inspirational Khalil Gibran

The Ligo Haibun Challenge is a weekly event hosted by AnElephant’s dearest friend Penny, along with the delightful Nightlake and the erudite Pirate.
Visit them for all the guidelines and background.

This week there is a choice of quotes.
AnElephant chooses this one.

“If your heart is a volcano,
how shall you expect flowers to bloom?”
– Khalil Gibran

Blossom by AnElephantCant

Blossom by AnElephantCant


He was angry.
Angry at his school and angry at his parents.
Then angry at his job and angry at his few friends.
Just angry at the world, it always seemed.
Until he met her.
She was good.
Far too good for him, everyone said.
She was pretty.
Far too pretty for him.
She was sweet.
He was still angry, but kept it under control when she was around.
Her friends were astonished, and his were amazed.
Have you gone soft?
He always scowled when asked the question.
What do you see in him?
She always smiled when asked the question.
He is good, she said, you will see.
When their first child was born the anger disappeared forever.
Not immediately, of course.
It took time.
But around his son there was never any temper, nor aggression.
He smiled at the baby, at his wife and, eventually, at the world around him.

a tiny drop
of love
blossoms into a miracle

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28 Responses to Eruption – Ligo Haibun Challenge

  1. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge – Word Prompt | call2read

  2. Pingback: Līgo Haībun Challenge – A Rose By Any Other Name … | A Mixed Bag

  3. Sarah Ann says:

    Wonderful, as ever, how you distilled these lives down to so few words. She’s a canny lass, that one. Good to know love heals.


  4. Penny L Howe says:

    This is good. Flows with symmetry of both the written word and the emotions being felt. Excellent haibun and closing haiku, conveying perfectly the difference love can make! 🙂


  5. Peripatetic Eric says:

    The power of love. Wonderful.


  6. Sun says:

    love conquers all fears – love the flow of your words…from anger to love. ♥


  7. emmylgant says:

    Quelle douceur dans ce poeme!
    Tres beau!


  8. nightlake says:

    Love changes everything, doesn’t it. Mellows the short-tempered, turns mad into sane and the dull to active. sweet narrative and haiku. Thanks!


  9. julespaige says:

    While I was here I figured I’d stop by a few more posts. I’m glad I did.
    This is proof positive that a torn and broken heart can be mended and made whole.
    Quite lovely.


  10. Ah, lovely. People can change, given the right circumstances.


  11. twoscamps says:

    This was a joy to read. Your haibun metamorphosizes into the haiku. A lovely transformation. -Maureen


  12. Anja says:

    🙂 Magical as always


  13. colonialist says:

    Beautiful, all of it.


  14. Alastair says:

    What an amazing Haibun. So full of love and tenderness. And I love the photo as well


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