The Haze – Līgo Haībun Challenge

AnElephantCant miss the challenge again
He was not in a good place last week
But he is back once again
To inflict some pain
On Penny and the others who critique

 AnElephant’s offering for the weekly Līgo Haībun Challenge, courtesy of the lovely Nightlake.

A Pink Elephant

A Pink Elephant

The Haze

He lives his life in a perpetual haze.
Although not, sadly, a purple one.
No, it is more a haze of greys, for he is colour blind, able to identify only the brightest, most vibrant colours.
When he meets her, as arranged, in Glasgow’s Kelvinside Museum and Art Gallery, a magnificent building from the late Victorian era, he hopes to view a few sculptures, perhaps an animal or two – he loves the Elephant! – and then go for a stroll along the banks of the River Kelvin in the eponymous park.
She heads straight for the exhibition of Impressionist Artists.
As she regales him with the magic that is Monet, the subtle dapplings of leaves on water, the delicately induced sky, he confesses his disability.
She is, surprisingly, considering how their relationship ends, sympathetic and helpful.
Over the following weeks she educates him, explaining the Colour Wheel, Primary and Secondary colours, and how the addition of black or white changes shade while varying the mix of subordinates alters the tone.
He sees much more on his daily walks, his lifelong enjoyment of trees, birds and flowers enhanced greatly.
But he still exists in a perpetual haze.

life is a rainbow
illuminated by the sunshine
of colour

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38 Responses to The Haze – Līgo Haībun Challenge

  1. Dear Elephant,

    As an artist who’s known for being addicted to purple, I can’t fathom being colour blind. But i’d say that pachyderm possesses an inner rainbow that shines through his verse. I found your story to be bittersweet in that she’s looking for a way to end the relationship while teaching him to see the subtleties of colour. I hope you’re in the pink today. ❤




  2. Sunshine says:

    a heart felt reflection…from the fear of being different to someone reaching out and bringing some light to enjoy life a bit more. ♥


  3. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge – The Edge of Reality | TheWhyAboutThis

  4. Sarah Ann says:

    I can’t imagine what it is like to see in perpetual grey. Interesting that learning about colour helps your narrator/ you to see them. Enjoyed this a lot, but being as you know I’m nosey, the line that stood out for me was: ‘She is, surprisingly, considering how their relationship ends, sympathetic and helpful.’ Well done on your special mention!


    • Thank you for your kind words and you interest.
      Yes, understanding brings clarity of vision.
      And well done for being the only person to pick up on that line.
      Another story altogether!
      Perhaps AnElephant will tell it some day.


  5. Pingback: Ligo Haibun Challenge | call2read

  6. lepirategunn says:

    You snuk in as a special mention, with 2 judges wanting you in, and one …me, overruled! Well done! Very good haibun, and am looking for 1st person to see personal experience, my only point. Thanks for participating – stay with us!


    • Thank you, Monsieur Pirate, but AnElephant is confused.
      While he admires your honesty here, he reads on your blog the word ‘personally’.
      So is this a general rule or just your own view.
      Just seeking clarification,
      And thanks for your visit.


      • lepirategunn says:

        Pleas don’t be! My ‘overruled’ joke was my cantankerous humour, in reality we all agree or don’t and if don’t then move onto next, not that it is of vital importance, but it’s nice to be fair. Absolutely no rule here, only my own view or suggestion but not request,, as I try to nudge haibun writers towards ‘personal experience/viewpoint’ in their haibun – very much as you did so well last week. Not anything in stone, and surely banished as an idea when the next one comes along…


  7. Peripatetic Eric says:

    Loved the haiku and how it ends and relates to the prose.


  8. A beautiful play on words with a masterfully done haiku


  9. Steph says:

    Though I’ve only just discovered your site through this challenge I am smitten. I love your opening poem. And I love your stories, and the way you tell them. They make me smile. This is great.


  10. julespaige says:

    Lovely Elephant. You always are such a joy to read having an added bonus of your verse first.
    I do quite agree with Alastair. Opening ones heart is better than just opening ones eyes alone.

    Rainbows are fansinating, since we all see them just a tad differently – so science says.
    You illuminate us with your words 🙂

    Thank you for your visit to my haibun.


  11. kz says:

    not a pain at all, but a real treat! a pleasure reading this haibun 🙂


  12. emmylgant says:

    AnElephant consistantly blows my mind
    Without a purple haze!
    Tes mots ne sont jamais sans couleurs
    mais toujours vivaces et a l’aise;
    Que du bonheur!


  13. Penny L Howe says:

    Excellent haibun! The flow, the mood, the shades blending perfectly. A wonderful haiku!


  14. companionship breaks through the colorless clouds. sweet


  15. nightlake says:

    Identifying colours do not really matter, as long as he admires, appreciates and enjoys them. Beautiful haibun and a lovely B&W artwork by Phil.


  16. Alastair says:

    I love this. It is something that I have always felt. Not being colour blind because I am not. Having a disability, then telling someone, you expect them to walk away from you, unwilling to have anything to do with someone that is not “perfect”. Your story shows that there are people who are willing to look past that and to accept people on who they are as a person, not on how they see themselves


  17. yarnspinnerr says:

    Enjoyed the haze.


  18. summerstommy says:

    Perpetual haze, I love it. Well done, though your last line: ‘of colour’ is not 5 syllables? or am I being pedantic?


    • Alastair says:

      (I hope AnElephant doesn’t mind me jumping in here to explain)
      With this challenge, it does not have to be 5/7/5 That was a mistake I made in the first few weeks. As the haiku has to fit the story or poem, sometimes (like here) having it being the exact syllables would detract from the whole feel of it.


      • summerstommy says:

        Ok I understand. My first go today. Thanks.


        • julespaige says:

          Also…traditonal Japanese haiku, does not translate to 5/7/5 as American students were taught long ago…I was taught that way too – There are different camps in regards to counting… I, being used to such have risisted the change, but I have been able to reach outside the ‘box’.


    • Thank you for your lovely words.
      Much appreciated.
      And as everyone and their mother has already pointed out, haiku is pretty well free form!


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