The Haggis

Artwork by Carolina Sartor

The Carrot Ranch Challenge:
In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story inspired by “feathers”.

Click here to hear the author read his words:

The Haggis

There are three different breeds of these savage creatures.
The Furry Hillside Haggis has two short and two long legs, and hunts bairns on the slopes of the misty mysterious Ben.
The Wild Marine or Sea-Water Haggis has a shell of steel and claws like daggers, and if you tempt them onto the rocks, you can sometimes trap them in a stout wooden box.
But the Three-legged Nasty Haggis has sharp teeth and feathers, and scurries around under the heather, ready to attack knees or anything else under the kilt.
Ah, the Highlands, the most romantic spot on earth.

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17 Responses to The Haggis

  1. I think there might be a market for steel reinforced kilts in the Highlands. I still think I might rather encounter the beastie than the pudding.


    • ceayr says:

      You, Michael, are clearly a ‘oatmealy-mouthed Sassenach’ as described by Doug, below.
      As a dish it is a rare delicacy, far too subtle for the uneducated southern palate!


  2. Glad you had the stomach to pen this and not worry about oatmealy-mouthed Sassenach sensibilities. Brilliant, my friend.


  3. Pingback: Feathers « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

  4. This could be a picture book, where the kilt remains where it ought to be, though. This piece is so much fun Ceayr. Fabulous take on the prompt!


    • ceayr says:

      Thank you, Rebecca.
      It is, in fact, corrupted from an extract from a mighty epic poem, in the tradition of Homer’s great works (the Greek dude, not Bart’s dad) about a gentleman (using the word in its loosest possible sense) named Angus Hamish MacBeth MacPherson.
      The image above is one of many already completed, including one of Nessie as she has never before been seen…

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Liz H says:

    Had to google this to clarify the distinction between food and beastie.
    And now I know… 🙂


  6. Charli Mills says:

    Haggis sounds like a crabby little hedge bird! You had me hanging on every word, worried for these creatures and then laughing!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lindsey says:

    This made me laugh and it flows along at a good pace. Love it Mr Ayr.


  8. jenne49 says:

    Now that made me laugh.
    You’re surely going to be head-hunted by the Scottish Tourist Board now.
    Fabulous, and a great reading too.
    The artwork is wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ceayr says:

      Thanks, Jenne, with a beastie as lethal as the Haggis, I tried not to terrify my more genteel readers.
      I am fortunate to have collaborated with immensely talented artists over the years.

      Liked by 1 person

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