Liar – Six Sentence Story

Artwork by Phil Burns

This challenge is produced by GirlieOnTheEdge with the following simple rules:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word – REMNANT

Click here to hear the author read his words:


My wife is a liar.
Oh, I’m sorry, what I meant to say is that my wife is a lawyer, but the two words are so similar that I frequently confuse them, the second being, in my humble layman’s opinion, merely a subset of the first.
When I asked her recently, in the nicest possible way, whether she retained any remnant of humanity in her barren soul, she regarded me clinically through narrowed eyes as though assessing my financial worth, asked if it were a serious question and did I want to make an appointment to discuss the matter further, observing that she was unable to offer any family discount on her exorbitant fees on the basis that, frankly, she just didn’t want to.
I sighed, defeated, and consoled myself with the small comfort that my life, and my wife, could in fact be worse.
She could be two-faced, double-dealing and corrupt, devoid of any ethics, scruples or morals, interested only in money and power, with a psychopathic view of the rest of humanity.
She could be a Tory politician.

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37 Responses to Liar – Six Sentence Story

  1. Entertaining, nice wordplays, and true, et bravo, CE, je suis d’accord!
    Likewise, as a Brit, and a Brit in France, I hang my head in shame at what they’ve done. I thought the Thatcher years were bad (at least she had pro European trade and movement values), but this current batch of uber-parasites have completely shrugged off any decency, diplomacy and statesmanship there ever was, and instead have made lies, corruption and hostile nationalism an absolute art form.


  2. Lawyers, particularly defence lawyers are experts at persuasive fibbing! As for the political connection, I’ll take their advice and just say – no comment!


  3. Great tongue in cheek yet still serious humour. Politics and politicians are so incredibly frustrating.


    • ceayr says:

      Glad you enjoyed, Nicole, but ‘frustrating’ does not come close to my feelings about liars and thieves.

      Liked by 1 person

      • True, those ones are infuriating. I was thinking more broadly to any politician, liar or not, because I personally am at a point where I don’t trust any party here in Canada. Neither the Conservatives or the Liberals have used effective measures to deal with Covid. There have been measures… but half of them have very questionable effectiveness, while I wonder why other obvious ones weren’t put in place.
        I don’t know much about UK politics, but I hope things get better out your way.


  4. UP says:

    muy excellente. I’m smiling here.


  5. Still chortling! 🤣


  6. clark says:

    thank god no one but other bloggers read these things!*

    ‘cellent Six this week, as we’ve all come to expect.

    * lol, and we, all of us who would type at windmills have an understanding of the exhilaration that accompanies the writing of ‘fiction


    • ceayr says:

      “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

      We all do what we can with the weapons at our disposal, Clark.


  7. Beautifully done on a topic that is so pervasive that it seems ordinary. 😉


  8. Chris Hall says:

    Super Six! I offer you a wry smile and a chuckle in return. The artwork is great too 🙂


  9. The word ‘fraught’ wouldn’t even begin to cover it if you ever sought a divorce. 😉 It would be good one day to get your actual thoughts on Tories and not these namby pamby obfuscations. 🙂


    • ceayr says:

      You’re right, Doug, I need to stop hedging around and speak my thoughts more plainly. I could have said that Boris is a liar, but that is already well-documented and seemingly unimportant. And since this is a obscenity-free blog I am left somewhat speechless.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Reach into the depths of Australian vernacular, ceayr. e.g. Boris is as flash as a rat with a gold tooth, He couldn’t lie straight in bed. He’s about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. etc etc 🙂


  10. CJ Stark says:

    When I first read “sorry, I meant Lawyer” my first response was; “same thing.”
    Great story. It made me chuckle.


  11. Frank Hubeny says:

    I like questioning “whether she retained any remnant of humanity in her barren soul” and the despair of getting a “family discount”. But it could be worse.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Liz H says:

    It ain’t just the Tories,,,we have them in the U.S., too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ceayr says:

      I am sure that is true, Liz, but I rarely comment on external politics (although I made an occasional exception for Mr Trump).
      The UK’s current crop of right-wing psychopaths are starting to remind a lot of people of events in Europe almost 90 years ago.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Romi says:

    I like this. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pat Brockett says:

    I couldn’t help chuckling while listening to you read your wee little SSS! You have such a way with words.


  15. Not well versed in history, C.E., I cannot speak of tory politicians. Attorneys? Yes. Unfortunately, there are many with the same characteristics you ascribe to tory politicians, often leaving wreckage in their wake.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ceayr says:

      Nothing historical here, Denise, I speak of the UK’s current governing party. Led by a proven liar, they are up to their slimy necks in corruption on a Grand Theft scale.


  16. jenne49 says:

    I love how you can take a political fact and turn it into a wry wee story that perfectly brings the fact to life…with no superfluous words!
    Unlike political journalism, whose spin we’re all so used to now that we don’t really pay attention any longer.
    An excellent six sentence story.


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