The Virus – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture below, which this week is supplied by
Ronda Del Boccio.

© Ronda Del Boccio

Click here to hear the author read his words:

The Virus

This virus is not new.
It has been around, in various forms, for centuries.
It thrives in
very different countries, regardless of the wealth, or otherwise, of the people.
It is an insidious, creeping evil.
Our leaders do nothing to eliminate it.
Their edicts sometimes appear to encourage its spread.
They seem to be happy to oversee the misery it causes, the poverty and death that follow so naturally.
The strange thing is that this illness is man-made.
And it has many names.
A mild form is Nationalism.
Much more virulent is Nazism.
But nowadays the most common is jingoism.

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62 Responses to The Virus – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Alas… this virus has been spreading for a long time… and now it seems to invaded even the smallest country (or even county)


    • ceayr says:

      Very true, Bjorn, the British and many other European countries have been spreading it for centuries.
      And now the biters are being bitten in return, but it doesn’t stop them.


  2. You distill a complex set of ideas so skillfully. leaves me thinking. Thank you.


  3. It’s the great equalizer for sure.


  4. James McEwan says:

    Very well said – man’s worst enemy is idealism in many guises.


  5. pennygadd51 says:

    Excellent story, CE. Not many people could summarise the evils of nationalism etc so powerfully in 100 words. Kudos!


  6. It appears there are several viruses spreading here. The Orange-haired loudmouth likes to keep things stirred up and works day and night to widden the division in our country. A sad state of affairs.


  7. trishsplace says:

    Like Linda, I had to google Jingoism. And learned that it relates somewhat to the tone of my Friday Fictioneer piece for this week. Seems many of us turned back to the dark this week.


  8. draliman says:

    “jingoism” may be the most common, but I had to look it up 🙂
    Yep, true words you speak this week.


  9. plaridel says:

    sadly, it has come to that point that if there’s no real virus, it’ll have to be created in the lab.


  10. …and the world becomes more jingoistic by the day. A topical take indeed.


  11. Nobbinmaug says:

    I’ve never heard the word jingoism before. (Google search.) Yeah, that seems to be a sickness that’s spreading globally. It’s a terrifying virus.


  12. I think astra zeneca (is that the name) are making a vaccine which is in the testing process, they are quitetly confident and are producing it at cost, with an aim to roll out globally sometime in September or October, obviously they and us are hoping for positive test results, it is being manufactured all over the world apparently so everyone will be able to get hold of it. If it works.
    Great take by the way, but then you always nail it!!


  13. Mike says:

    It seems that every generation gets side tracked from tackling injustice. First war then the nineteen thirty’s depression, more wars, the threat of nuclear Armageddon, a banking crisis, Brexit, and now a virus. It make one think, just like you did today..


    • ceayr says:

      The sad truth, Mike, is that those with the power to change things have a vested interest in keeping them as they are.
      Time for the revolution!


  14. Well done! Very well done!


  15. MrBinks says:

    Very, very good.


  16. granonine says:

    No matter how often I hear or see the word “jingoism,” I have to go look it up. Don’t know why it won’t stick. I’m usually pretty good with remembering definitions. Maybe it’s because there doesn’t seem to be any connection with “jingo” to anything with which I’m familiar. Hmmmm. I feel an etymology search coming on 🙂


  17. Yes I agree completely, though you’ve plum forgotten to condemn socialism, which is the most proximate poison


    • ceayr says:

      I think, Larry, that socialism means very different things here and in the USA. In Scotland we want our taxes to support those who need it, the old, the young, and the infirm, and not the banks and big business as in the capitalist model.

      Liked by 3 people

  18. Really good observation about phony pride.


  19. Anita says:

    Hope we can end this virus. Anyone making a vaccine? Whole world needs this.
    They are just focusing on Covid-19. What about the many viruses like these? 😦


  20. Lynn Love says:

    Sadly, all too true, C. And there’s no sign of a vaccine for this virus. Very well written as always


  21. Iain Kelly says:

    The only -ism that’s working for me at the moment is escapism, but it never lasts. Unfortunately I have to come back to reality at some point.


  22. Dear CE,

    All I can do is shake my head and cringe at the truth. Well said, sir.




  23. Insidious creeping evil indeed it is. Good one, Ceayr.
    Quite a listing of evil isms there. Yes, Trumpis, and closer home Modism are missing.


  24. You forgot Trumpism 🙂 But why would the ‘leaders’ want to stamp it out when it’s working perfectly in their favour?


  25. Tannille says:

    The good old conquer and divide. Crazy world. Something in our air perhaps…
    I enjoyed the flow.


  26. You’re absolutely right – if you’ll excuse the pun.


  27. neilmacdon says:

    Political stories this week are spreading like a … jam

    Liked by 1 person

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