One Potato – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture below, which this week is supplied by Roger Bultot.

© Roger Bultot

Click here to hear the author read his words:

One Potato

One potato, two potato…
Remember when we were kids, this is how we made decisions?
For good things, like who got first bite of the stolen pie.
For bad things, like who took the blame for the broken window.
There was always one kid who took charge of the count.
Who always won.
Who never lost.
I bet you were that kid.
Because you always get your own way.
We go shopping when I want to watch rugby.
We go skating when I’d rather ski.
I can see you’re still counting.
Still manipulating.
Planning to leave me on the shelf.

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63 Responses to One Potato – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Lynn Love says:

    Oh, my word, this is so smart and insightful. I’ve known this person – in several guises! The one who always had to win the argument, no matter what it was, and left me flailing for an answer, unsure if myself because I couldn’t win. This is so well written, so spot on. Well done, C


  2. In the end, she will leave you as well


  3. I really like the way you use the story-line, from an innocent childhood game to depict an adult relationship. Especially like the examples of compromise – skating — skiing , shopping — rugby. Well observed.


  4. Someone sounds a bit bitter. A build up of frustration finally coming out into the open.


  5. susanmehr says:

    ‘One potato, two potato..’ Oh, I haven’t heard that line in a long time. Well penned story.


  6. What dark humour in this tale. You amaze me with your endings, Ceayr.


  7. James McEwan says:

    I like it. Mind you, provided the shelf is not empty then you never know who you will meet.


  8. Russell says:

    On the shelf! Loved that line. Great one C!


  9. granonine says:

    What an interesting take on this prompt. If we were sitting in my counseling office, my advice to you would be to stand up and say NO! once in a while 🙂


  10. plaridel says:

    sadly, it’s how the world works. some are born winners. some are born losers.


  11. Liz Young says:

    Great take on the photo. I remember not being that kid!


  12. draliman says:

    Nice link to the photo right at the beginning and end. There was always that one kid who always came out on top during seemingly random decisions, right enough…


  13. Violet Lentz says:

    Makes me reflect on how many years we have to live to be able to voice such truths. Expertly done.


  14. When I wanted roasties, she wanted mashed. I wanted chips, she wanted jackets. She’s gone now so if I want dauphinoise or dutchess that’s what I get!


  15. Mike says:

    Left on the shelf, never…


  16. Straight to the heart of the matter with an experts hand, as always. Great to read your work again!


  17. Nobbinmaug says:

    Is there such a thing as a balanced relationship? There’s always an alpha.


  18. Love this one. Reminds me of one of my relatives.


  19. Oy vey. You better catch that tiger by the toe … and off you go … 😉


  20. He seems pretty hard done by, better put his foot down or ship out. Good stuff


  21. Colline says:

    Seems like this person needs to make the decision to break free.


  22. Iain Kelly says:

    ‘Eenie, meenie, miney, mo’ has a similar flaw to one potato. My kids are experts at ensuring they always get the result they wish for…


  23. Funny how we see it coming and still sit and wait. In the words of Sidney Youngblood: “All we can do is sit and wait…”


  24. pennygadd51 says:

    How true! And how immaculately penned!


  25. Dear CE,

    There’s always give and take in a relationship, isn’t there? Sounds like it’s out of balance here. Love the use of the childhood game.




  26. Excellent take on the photo prompt, CE!

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  27. So much said and implied with very few words. Masterful!


  28. Ah, so often like that. Nicely put.


  29. Nice use of that metaphor. The last few lines bring it all back around.


  30. neilmacdon says:

    The span of a life of bitterness in 100 words. Good work, mate


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