Lamppost – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
his week’s rather atmospheric prompt photo comes from Ronda Del Boccio.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on this picture, below.

© Ronda Del Boccio

Click here to hear the writer read his words:


It is a dreich night.
I walk through the rain, which is light but icy.
The wind is cold, and my heart is heavy.
Things have been difficult between us recently.
I thought I loved her.
I thought she loved me.
Then there was that incident with Tony.
A misunderstanding, she swears, nothing happened.
He was teaching her how to play a Portuguese fado on the piano.
Maybe I am fretting over nothing, but the doubt is there.
Suspicion is an insidious enemy.
Nearly home, I see a shape beneath the lamppost, under an umbrella.
She smiles.
My heart sings.

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80 Responses to Lamppost – Friday Fictioneers

  1. I really enjoyed the melancholy feel to this piece, right down to the last lines… when we are left wondering why she’s there, to stay or leave.


  2. A sad little tale, really. He is too happy with her, can’t just accept it, perhaps he doesn’t feel worthy, I don’t know. But his insecurity will do him in.
    Or maybe Tony…(lol)


  3. Margaret says:

    There you go. I knew you could do schmalz if you wanted to. You did it beautifully too.


  4. Gouy Corine says:

    Enfin une histoire qui finit bien ! ❤
    J’aime beaucoup ce charmant accent.


  5. subroto says:

    A softer side of Portuguese Tony, nice. And I agree dreich is such a lovely word to use (yeah Google is good tool to have).


  6. Tessa says:

    Great story and love listening to you read it. Great accent lends itself well to the telling. Well done.


  7. Sabio Lantz says:

    Sweet, nicely read


  8. He was easily reassured hey! I like how you illuminated her under the lamp as she must be similarly illuminated in his heart.


  9. Suspicion is indeed an insidious enemy – to love and to marriage.
    Trust is the opposite.
    But then it doesn’t pay to be naive ,in love and in life!👌👌👌


  10. This has a great flow, almost like a poem and I like the touch of the audio of you reading it too. Great idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lovely story — I could feel how happy it made him to find her standing there.


  12. Liz Young says:

    I loved your reading, though I didn’t need it to reveal your roots – the word dreich does that!


  13. Another hit. And I enjoyed the reading.
    If you ever get down to the Manchester area I could find you an open mic event.


    • ceayr says:

      Thank you, thank you and thank you, Patrick.
      I have never thought of an open mic approach, but Manchester is quite far from my home on the Mediterranean!


  14. You create such a vivid scene and atmosphere. Seeing her standing in the light of the lamppost and his suspicions fade, at least for now. Lovely ending. I also like “dreich” though I had to look it up. =)


  15. 4963andypop says:

    For some reason “busstop” by the Hollies was running through my head after reading this, it was so up beat and positive! Perhaps there is hope for this couple after all, if only for one dreary day.


  16. Abhijit Ray says:

    Do something about this Tony. He has taken over your mind, body, soul and now your lover.


  17. Tannille says:

    Awesome picture/fiction combo. Very much suited.


  18. Sandra says:

    You captured that slough of despond, which dissipates so quicklywith even the tiniest fragment of encouragement. Until the next time. And there will be a next time, and one after that… No bodies, I see…


  19. pennygadd51 says:

    How sneaky of you to tell us two tales in one. His girl must have a ready wit to have talked herself out of last week’s predicament. Beware, though; love will disarm your narrator!


  20. draliman says:

    Tony seems to be somehow involved in quite a few “incidents”…


  21. msjadeli says:

    A kinder, gentler ending than last week’s. I like you reading your stories.


  22. Its the romantic side of portuguese Tony!! Love this one and love the word dreich!!


  23. Oh love, how easy it can be shaken, how easy it can be reassured again. Loved it.


  24. James McEwan says:

    Ah, love is not lost until the light goes out.


  25. notestowomen says:

    Great storytelling, C.E. I like the narrative, the atmosphere. Dreich is a great word. It adds to the story.


  26. gahlearner says:

    Tony teaching her the Fado? The narrator has lost already… I could think of several reasons why she smiles. You’ve linked his emotions perfectly to the weather. Is she shelter, is there light?


  27. Very atmospheric and thought provoking story. Nice one!

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  28. granonine says:

    Oh, good! I was afraid we were going to see some violence and death, so the ending was a delightful surprise 🙂


  29. Anita says:

    Hope all is well soon & there’s no jealousy or fright.
    Hope this duo sets things right under the umbrella in that rainy night 🙂
    The New Bride – Anita


  30. trentpmcd says:

    Wow, despite the dreich atmosphere, a happy ending to the Tony saga!


  31. Iain Kelly says:

    A happy ending? Surely not! I sense Tony is not far away…


  32. A lovely flash with a full story arc! 😀
    Great stuff! And thanks for introducing me to ‘dreich’ ! 🙂


  33. Mike says:

    Drenched in cold, but happy that she is still alive🙂


  34. Dear C.E.

    A happy ending? You set the dreich tone very well.




  35. Violet Lentz says:

    Jealousy will rob you of all the pleasure you could be experiencing.. Wonderful moral, and I learned a new word, dreich.. Thank you, CE


  36. neilmacdon says:

    dreich is such a lovely word!


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