Babysitter – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
And th
e prompt, which this week is provided courtesy of Jeff Arnold.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on this picture, below.

© Jeff Arnold

Click here to hear the writer read his words:


I tell them I don’t need a babysitter.
But they don’t trust me, I guess.
I am too wild, too irresponsible, too callously violent.
I am only 11 years old, what do they expect?
So when they ‘have’ to go out, mostly to the pub with their friends, I am confined to my room.
And this stupid girl is here ‘just to keep an eye on you’.
She is clueless, of course.
The police arrive as the house burns.
My mother faints when I take my hand out of my pocket.
I laugh.
‘She still has her eye on me.’

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66 Responses to Babysitter – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Hmmm…what is in his hand?
    A lighter?
    An eyeball?
    I could tell this story to my nieces and nephews as well! hehehehe


  2. Horribly appropriate for the season, nice one


  3. subroto says:

    Urk! I just hope she didn’t give him her heart.


  4. StuHN says:

    LOVE that last line. Ah, kids these days.


  5. AshleyDannie says:

    Well written! Definitely gave me chills!


  6. Incredible dark tale, that was enjoyable! In the spirit of Halloween… =)


  7. lisarey1990 says:

    Very dark. Fantastic!


  8. jillyfunnell says:

    Disgusting and brilliant!


  9. kirstwrites says:

    Very dark and gruesome! Scary child.


  10. James McEwan says:

    Evil has no boundaries in the mind of a child.


  11. mjlstories says:

    As a teacher I’ve been told never to tell an autistic child to ‘wash your hands in the toilets.’ From now on I’ll keep an eye on all those other throw away phrases. Truly truly gruesome!


  12. Priya says:

    I have goosebumps. very well written!


  13. …then he popped it in his mouth and swallowed it! Nice one.


  14. Abhijit Ray says:

    This is a very cruel eleven year old! Has he taken out eye of the babysitter while setting her and the house on fire? Very dark indeed!


  15. Ha ha ha, loved that ending. Wicked!


  16. granonine says:

    Well. That’s the second sinister kid so far. This is turning out to be a very sinister chess game, indeed. “She still has her eye on me.”



  17. Eww. Now someone other than the babysitter or mom and dad will be watching her. Yuck, You did a great job.


  18. 4963andypop says:

    Eww. Just eww. Creepy character, not to be left unattended. Although I doubt anyone will sign up to babysit anytime soon!


  19. JS Brand says:

    Yuk! (In a good way).


  20. You presented the perfect story to encapture the creepy feeling of that eye.


  21. Dale says:

    Perfect story for Hallowe’en… Mummy and Daddy have no clue about the monster they spawned, do they?


  22. Oh my goodness, what a last line. Deliciously gruesome story!

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  23. Dear CE,

    Oh my! That boy’s the epitome of the Bad Seed with pun firmly in hand. Well done.




  24. Of course confining a child to his room is cruel, but I think in the end there are no justification for murder.


  25. Anita says:

    Dangerous child.
    Too late for babysitter. Poor thing…
    Have a great week!
    Queen In Quicksand – Anita


  26. Iain Kelly says:

    Delicious, even by your high standards that’s wonderfully gruesome.


  27. michael1148humphris says:

    Sharp and to the point, you burnt it with this one.


  28. Sandra says:

    Gruesome child. It’s not only clues that the babysitter is lacking now. Not, I suspect, that she’s in a condition to care about that. You’re on form.


  29. neilmacdon says:

    A grizzly pun, lov ingly rendered


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