Let It Snow – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in the picture (below).
This week’s
wintry photo prompt is once again provided by our mighty leader.
What can I do but join in the happiness of this season of goodwill to all men.
And ladies too, I suppose.

Click on this link to enter your tale, and to see what others have written.

© Al Forbes

Click here to hear the author read his short story:


It Snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful
Not surprising, as our little rented cottage is on the edge of Rannoch Moor.
Which means we are about 100 miles north of civilisation
If Glasgow qualifies as such.
But the fire is so delightful
We have hot chocolate and Glenmorangie, and toasted scones, her favourite taste of Scotland.
Everything is perfect.
And then she mentions his name.
Once again I am amazed at how quickly an argument can escalate.
Normally I would leave at this point, give her time to calm down.
And since we’ve no place to go
I try to make peace, to apologise, even though she started it, and continues to develop it, as always.
I remember why I avoid confrontation, but fail to control my temper in time.
My hands are on her throat, squeezing.
I carry her out into the blizzard, stumble across the white broken ground until I can walk no further.
I lie down beside her, holding her as the tears freeze on my face.
We will be together forever.
Or until the spring thaw, at least.
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!


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8 Responses to Let It Snow – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. Reena Saxena says:

    Intense! Arguments can always spoil a holiday, even if they do not end so irreversibly.


  2. Such a tragic story but written with style and great description. Good writing, C.E. Happy Holidays. 🙂 — Suzanne


  3. Woah! That escalated quickly. But yes, it certainly was cheerful, keeping with the holiday spirit 🙂


  4. A sorry tale that brings forth the dangers of an uncontrollable temper. Such a lovely writer are you, my friend. Here’s wishing you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS, Ceayr..


  5. Susan says:

    He should have known that glenmorangie and old boyfriends just don’t mix. Happy Holidays, Ceayr!


  6. Mandie Hines says:

    That was a dark, chilly winter tale. Well done. I hope you have wonderful and happy holidays.


  7. emmylgant says:

    Oh how I love a little Holiday Cheer!
    A holiday gone wrong imbricated in a happy tune. Well done!


  8. The dangers of an uncontrolled temper.


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