House for Sale – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in the picture (below).
This week’s
intriguing photo is once again provided by the man himself, and hints of days long gone, a time of innocence.
Click on this link to enter your tale, and to see what others have written.

© Al Forbes

Click here to hear this short tale read by the author:

House for Sale

Selling a house is a hassle.
Selling a family home is much more so.
I tell Bonnie I will drop the kids off at their grandparents before heading to the estate agency.
She is getting organised, preparing everything for viewing.
But the sun is shining for the first time in weeks, so on impulse I swing back round and take some fresh external photographs.
Everything looks better in sunshine.
I drop in on my friend Al, drink some coffee, bring him up-to-date with our plans.
He indicates his laptop.
Let’s have a look at your pics, he suggests, see if the sun can make your old shack look good enough to buy.
We laugh, download my shots, start stepping through them.
I am studying the fresh paintwork, the roof tiles, the things I have been working on, when Al points.
Who’s the guy at the upstairs window, he asks.
I peer at the screen.
Judging by the size of that back and the bad shirt, I answer, I’d say it’s Kris, our neighbour. He’s a good guy, probably helping her move stuff.
What’s that round his neck, Al asks, zooming in.
I stare in disbelief at Bonnie’s arms.

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18 Responses to House for Sale – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. bonniehofkin says:

    Loving all the comments! Your story is a perfect Rorschach test.!


  2. julespaige says:

    Reminds me of one of the horror movies where the tourist takes a photo… but the buggy driver who is some type of demon doesn’t show up in the print!


  3. mandibelle16 says:

    Oh wow, great take. That would be absolutely shocking. Is she saying goodbye lol.


  4. Mandie Hines says:

    Yikes! Such mischief can be created by something so innocent as moving.


  5. bonniehofkin says:

    I ditto Keith- “Kris and Bonnie – who’d have thought it!!”
    I too appreciate the word limit.:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. JS Brand says:

    Ouch! A nicely built story CE. it’s lucky for Kris and Bonnie that there was a word limit!


  7. James says:

    Evidence for divorce court, I’d say.


  8. Iain Kelly says:

    Cameras can be very dangerous things!


  9. Kris and Bonnie, who’d have thought it? Nice one.

    Click to visit Keith’s Ramblings


  10. Susan says:

    Nothing escapes the camera’s eye. Or Al’s for that matter. Well done.


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