San Francisco – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in his picture (below).
And I have an apology now.
The piece I submit today is not fiction, and it is not an original piece.
For reasons best known to my subconscious, Al’s photo took me back to San Francisco, and a piece one of my alter egos wrote as a Haibun three years ago.
When the Muse speaks, I just listen.
After all, she is a woman!
This experience, and the people involved, live forever in my heart.
Click on this link to enter your tale, and to see what others have written.

Copyright Al Forbes

Copyright Al Forbes

Click here to hear me read this 100-second piece:

San Francisco

The hippy kid arrives in San Francisco at last, forty-five years later.
He has a gnawing fear, unfounded, that he is too late.
The city is everything he expects, everything he dreams of and believes in.
He breakfasts in Union Square, rides a cable car all the way to the stars, has conversations with the concierge, with an artist, and with his server.
He is immediately at home and at peace.

He walks the famous bridge, and is enthralled by its majesty.
He takes a boat ride round the bay, and visits the notorious Rock.
He is thrilled by all of it.
He takes her hand as they walk through the park at Fort Mason.
They have their picture taken on Marina Boulevard with the Golden Gate as backdrop.

But the Exploratorium takes him completely by surprise.
The Greek-style architecture is amazing, the statues wonderful and the lakeside setting breath-taking.
She smiles gently at his confusion, at his mild embarrassment at being so unaware of this masterpiece of Ancient Europe in the heart of Modern America.

beauty and dreams
never die
make love not war

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50 Responses to San Francisco – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. Very different. Sorry to be redundant. I enjoyed it. I’ve been to SF twice. Once during a heat wave in May and then in July when I almost froze. Loved both times.


  2. Good piece, C.E. I never made it to San Francisco but some relatives and friends have. I’ve always heard good things about it. Good writing. 🙂 — Suzanne


  3. mandibelle16 says:

    Somewhere I very much want to visit a time or two soon. I have read about the history. I liked your take on the picture, such awe and such a feeling inspiration being there with such history.


  4. voulaah says:

    Great post, thank you so much for nice sharing


  5. ellenbest24 says:

    I read this first then listened… I played the tracks your followers/ poster friends put up and the combination had me walking just behind you. I watch your fingers reach for hers. Sighing at the emories captured in word and unlocked by a glimps of a photograph. Nicely placed.😇.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great story! I spend most of my week in San Francisco and I think you’ve captured it very well.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I can almost taste and smell the Wharf. I’m lucky to live just over the summit from San Fransisco. Lovely

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Penny L Howe says:

    A wonderful haibun. It reads as well as it did the first time. The words, the emotions and the experience. Of course San Francisco is difficult to forget (Tony Bennett sang of this so well). Like Anja, I miss the haibun days, among others. And I too have many memories of my own last time in San Francisco. SF slips dreams into one’s coffee and hopes into one’s happy days where for a short period of time love reigns supreme. But then San Francisco will always be that way, I think.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ceayr says:

      Ah, Penny, do you have any idea how delighted I am to see you here again?
      Your words of dreams and happiness re SF coincide remarkably with my own.
      I remember Casablanca, when Mr B says We’ll always have Paris.
      Here’s looking at you, kid.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Iain Kelly says:

    A refreshing change as others have said, and quite different from your usual work. Equally as good though. Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dale says:

    This was lovely indeed (and a refreshing change to your usual death and gore 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I like it. Glad you brought it out of the mothballs.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Dear CE,

    I for one haven’t read this before, so I’m glad you recycled it. The Haiku impacts the rest of the story. Perhaps it’s because I’m one of those aging hippies. 😉 Elegantly written and, as always, made better by your own voice.



    Liked by 1 person

  13. Steve Lakey says:

    Visiting San Francisco is on my bucket list. You’ve given me another reason to go!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Lynn Love says:

    A sweet and lovely memory, C and one that’s clearly stuck with you very clearly through the years. Great tale 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Anja says:

    Awwww how I miss the haibun days.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. maryruth16 says:

    Clever and so well-written as usual. Hmm, next stop for me could be San Francisco!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I think I remember this piece, and know of who you speak. It is an excellent piece Monsieur C.

    Liked by 1 person

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