Rock Star – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in his picture (below).
My first thought this week when I saw Al’s freaky image was that I was still asleep.
Maybe it is just me, but it is often difficult to tell the difference, don’t you think?
Click on this link to enter your tale, and see what others have written.

Copyright Al Forbes

Copyright Al Forbes

Rock Star

We sit high above the rocky shoreline, guitars in hand.
We have written our songs here ever since we were kids.
I say we, but in truth he has all the talent.
He composes the music and writes the chorus.
I fill in the verses round about.
And sometimes he changes those words too.
But I get equal credit on everything we produce, always.
I think, and I suspect he does too, that if he went solo he would be a megastar.
But he is loyal.
So we are never quite there, fame and fortune are always tantalisingly just beyond our reach.
And I don’t believe he cares very much.
He has family money and, of course, the girl we have both loved all our lives.
He is like a brother to me.
He stands, starts to play his latest riff.
I stand too, put my hand on his shoulder, and look down at the rocks far below.
I can only see one way to get rich.

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11 Responses to Rock Star – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. Another evil ending, C.E. Someone has to die in your stories and it’s usually an evil end. That talent is pretty lopsided so I think the death is for nothing. His jealousy seems to have clouded that over. Well written, C.E. —- Suzanne


  2. That’ll work. And it will look like an accident. Let’s just hope no one asks him to write any new material 🙂


  3. jademwong says:

    Ooh, jealousy & greed rear their ugly heads. Ominous ending, but it works very well. Great story 🙂


  4. Danny James says:

    I knew someone would write a story with an evil ending. Well done as always!



  5. mandibelle16 says:

    Ominous CE. Doesn’t sound as if his friend is going to have a pleasant ending. Well written as always 🙂


  6. Lynn Love says:

    Dark and twisted tale of love and rivalry. How easy it is to loathe someone you’ve loved for years. Easier than hating a stranger, in many ways. All that built up resentment. Nice, twisty, dark tale, as sharp as those rocks. Great write 🙂


  7. Very well done as always, and the unexpected twist is cleverly done.


  8. The Voice says:

    Why am I envisioning Art Garfunkel as the narrator of this story? (My apologies to Garfunkel fans.) Well done as always, CE.


  9. athling2001 says:

    Ah.. really. After he held himself back? Great story and unexpected twist at the end.


  10. paulmclem says:

    Perhaps Andrew Ridgley should have done that to George Michael…WHAM!


  11. Dear CE,

    I knew one of them was about to be the would-be star on the rocks. As Connor McCeod said,”There can be only one.” Well done.




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