Greyhound – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
Ron Pruitt’s candid image sparks a thousand thoughts.
This is one of them.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Ron Pruitt

© Ron Pruitt


I’ll take the bus, I say.
She stares at me in disbelief.
I am in the Tri-Cities area of Washington State, visiting a beloved friend.
I decide to go to Vancouver BC.
She offers me her car.
I shake my head.
One of my ‘must-dos’ was to take a Greyhound, I remind her.
Simon and Garfunkel, America, all that stuff, I grin, see the country at street level.
They are full of crazies, she says.
I look at her, spread my arms wide.
She starts to laugh.
I join in.
We speak at the same time.
Every day is an adventure.

Great song:

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76 Responses to Greyhound – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Indira says:

    A good company on road journey is always welcome. You are right ‘ Everyday is an adventure’. Nice take.


  2. Vinitha says:

    Nice adventure. 🙂 And nicely done!


  3. I think these two will have great fun together.


  4. Margaret says:

    I love riding on trains. Bus trips possibly not so much. I tried it once (in Australia) – overnight, about 12 hours. Ever since then, whenever I haven’t had enough sleep and wake up groggy I’m reminded of that trip. Sort of turned me off buses. However I love your story – the voices really grabbed me and their conversation could almost persuade to get on a bus again. Almost.


  5. rogershipp says:

    Some things you just have to do…. I have never taken a bus… but this ‘adventure’ tugs at my heart?


  6. hafong says:

    I took the Greyhound bus from Saskatoon to Winnipeg when I was 16. I had invited myself to a penpal’s and a job at her grandfather’s restaurant for the summer. I’m astonished today that my mother let me and at my own audacity !



  7. gahlearner says:

    I’ve taken the Greyhound in Canada once, for somewhat similar reasons, and had similar feelings.
    I’m taking a three hour bus ride every week here, but that’s not quite the same.
    Fun story, and music.


  8. Corina says:

    I’ve only take the bus three times in my life. Each time was an adventure. Not saying if it was a good adventure or not but definitely an adventure.


  9. ansumani says:

    Each person is sane in their own world. Nice one.


  10. I hate road trips, I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 30 and I’ve regretted it every single day. I prefer trains to busses, but I’ll take the bus over a car any day.
    I travelled through Europe by train and loved it. Took the train from NY Penn Station to Ft. Lauderdale FL and hated it. Not because of the “crazies” or the general public, but the inefficiency of the service the delays and it being late, taking 20 hours, and having to go straight to work because it was so late!


  11. My son often took the bus during his college days. His adventures were fun to listen to.


  12. We’ve all gone to look for America.
    Thanks for the bus ride.


  13. Graham Lawrence says:

    Lovely story. I’m also a S&G fan. Nice happy story too!


  14. One of my favorite songs! I enjoyed your story, CEAyr! It was full of possibility of adventure, with no hidden darkness.


  15. rgayer55 says:

    It’s not some much the crazies who talk to themselves on the bus, it’s the one’s who answer themselves with, “Huh?” Not only do they wake up in a new world every morning, sometimes it’s a new planet every fifteen minutes.

    I’ve got no objections. They make great characters for my little tales.


  16. Love the story. I have a few friends here in Ireland who are from the old Eastern Block countries of Eastern Europe. When the wall came down etc they travelled across Europe by bus because they wanted to see everything. The journey is every bit as important as the destination.


    • ceayr says:

      I agree, sometimes the journey is the point.
      Although I did also want to visit Vancouver!
      Glad you enjoyed, Siobhan, and thanks for taking the time to visit and comment.


  17. This speaks to your adventurous spirit I’m guessing.


  18. plaridel says:

    nice story and nice song. thanks for your sharing. 🙂


  19. bykimberlylynne says:

    I’m all for road trips, but my last Greyhound ride thirty (gosh!) years ago was 15 hours to go 101 miles. Never again. I hope they find a better ride!


  20. Pingback: The Heart of the Matter ~ American’s looking for America! | The Why About This

  21. I’ve taken way to many Greyhound buses with crazy to find another such trip appealing – and from Tri-Cities , too All my least favorite places/activities rolled up in one heck of a great tale. Wonderful take on the prompt.


  22. paulmclem says:

    Once got a bus from Glasgow to the Costa Brava. Never again 🙂


  23. I love the idea of just getting on a bus and having chance to take everything in. Great story today C. E , very inspirational 😀


  24. C.E., I love road trips, although we usually drive. And I love S&G, so I really enjoyed your story and the song. (I also remember Sam the Sham and Pharaohs and that song, too.) Ouch! I think the travel bug just bit me hard. I’d like to take the train across Canada one of these years, too.



  25. Love this story, love the music. Such a great way of setting the tone of a piece.


  26. joannesisco says:

    This is one thing I would rather NOT do … get on a bus for hours and hours with strangers. The music however certainly takes me back to another time and has left a wistful feeling 🙂


  27. There is nothing like a road trip on a greyhound. Loved the music, loved the flash poem and the visions conjured. Have done my own Greyhound (in Australia) and appreciated the sentiment. An Australian Greyhound.


  28. Brilliant song. I can feel his excitement.


  29. What a great story, very liberating. Spread your wings and all that…:)


  30. Dale says:

    I keep telling myself I should one day take a bus trip (only ones I’ve ever taken were for school ski trips and up to my grandmother’s).
    You actually make me want to take one now!
    A fun one from you, Mr. Ayr!


  31. Dave says:

    “Pass me a cigarette, I think I need to get kicked off this bus.” Time to give the lyrics an update, Mr. Simon.


  32. That’s a lovely story. And Greyhounds remind me of Joe and Ratso in Midnight Cowboy.


  33. Sandra says:

    It’s funny how a bus in the states is quite a different prospect to a bus in the UK. And crazies can be good company. I should know, they always seem to sit next to me. Nice take on the prompt CE.


  34. Love the thought of travelling at street level… and bus or train gives you an other opportunity to think and be within yourself (it’s like travel twice the same time)


    • ceayr says:

      It is a very different experience to driving, Bjorn.
      You are, for better or worse, largely removed from the decision-making process.
      I remember, on a separate journey, leaving my car on the east side of the Cascades and travelling by Greyhound through the Snoqualmie Pass in a blizzard to reach Seattle.
      What would have been a fraught, even dangerous, drive was instead a magical adventure.


  35. Dear C. E.

    I’ve always loved that song and just about anything else Simon and Garfunkel. Your story leaves me feeling happy inside. It reads like a lovely adventure. Thank you for starting my day with a smile.




  36. Reblogged this on anelephantcant and commented:
    AnElephantCant deny he has a problem
    Which is not something he likes to discuss
    No, it isn’t his bum
    That makes him so glum
    AnElephantCant fit his ears onto a bus

    Liked by 2 people

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