The Stairs – Friday Fictioneers

AnElephantCant ever stop smiling
He very rarely if ever scowls or frowns
But as everyone knows
And his little tale shows
Life is full of these strange ups and downs

Once again it is Friday Fictioneer time.
Where fast rising Rochelle lifts us all to a new level of achievement on a weekly basis.
And AnElephant is left in the basement as usual.
The idea is to write a very short story, circa 100 words, based on this picture prompt (below).
That’s it.

Copyright -Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Copyright -Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Stairs

I don’t like you using those stairs at night, darling, please come in the elevator.
You know I am in training, and it is only four flights.
The lights never work, I worry, okay?
I have done it 100 times. I will watch you get in and race you to the top as usual!
Okay, if you must. Here it is, get ready!
She steps in, smiles, waves, and presses the button.
He races up the dark stairs two at a time and, as always, arrives as the doors slide open.
The elevator is empty.
He never sees her again.

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36 Responses to The Stairs – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Good mystery. Should be on one of those reality things!
    I would like to know more,


    • Glad you enjoyed, sir.
      If you like your mysteries explained, please take a look at AnElephant’s new e-book.
      Lots of mysteries, lots of twists, lots of explanations, eventually!
      And very cheap!


  2. Sarah Ann says:

    Lovely conversation. Odd that I thought she was the one going to be racing up the stairs.


  3. atrm61 says:

    What a hungry/demonic/haunted/killer of an elevator this one is turning out to be!On the other hand,am wondering if he had a hand in her disappearance?That “am in training” excuse-very fishy, 😉 Enjoyed this totally 😀


  4. That was an unexpected ending. If I were him, I would definitely take the stairs from them on, unless I thought there was a portal in the elevator that would take me to where she was. Great story.


  5. Ade Branwell says:

    Ooh, spooky! Well written story


  6. Brenda says:

    Such menace in an inoffensive elevator. I suppose the bots got her. 🙂


  7. storydivamg says:

    Wonderful story this week. Neatly written with a great twist at the end. I didn’t see that coming. Thanks for sharing!

    Marie Gail


  8. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    This felt like a Twilight Zone episode, darling. Spooky and mysterious.


  9. wmqcolby says:

    Why, why, WHY do people NOT LISTEN, Elephant? Next time, I’m taking the elevator.
    Well-done, my good sir.


  10. Ah.. I guess she eloped though.. such a stubborn guy deserve to be deserted… much better to make out in the elevator.


  11. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Elephant, you nailed it again – great writing and I wonder where she went? Too bad, he was just trying to help her – right? Thanks, Nan:)


  12. Good twist, Mr Elephant. I thought something terrible was going to happen to the person on the stairs. Playing with my expectations, again! Well done.


  13. Anja says:

    Darling…..should I be concerned?


  14. Carrie says:

    Shocking ending!


  15. EagleAye says:

    This bloody broken elevator is killing a lot of people! How ironic that she worried about him on the stairs. Another wonderful story, dear Elephant.


  16. Good and well-done story. This woujld be a great hook for a longer mystery story.


  17. Dear Mr Elephant, could I get the address of the elevator off you? I have someone I would like to show it to. They um…have an appreciation of elevators. 😉


  18. Horus says:

    Good twist ! liked it… 🙂


  19. Shandra says:

    Well done. A mystery. Think ill take the stairs.


  20. JackieP says:

    The clothes dryer of elevators? It thought she was a sock?? Good story.


  21. People for the Ethical Treatment of Elevators (PETE) are quite unhappy with the libel/slander/general bad-mouthing of elevators this week. Now here’s another one! Really! Where do you think all these people go? Hurmph!

    At least people will be in great shape from taking the stairs after reading stories like this. 🙂



  22. Uh oh! Did she run away? Get eaten??? I want to know!


  23. RoSy says:

    She should have just taken the stairs.


  24. JudahFirst says:

    Ohhh. Where’d she go?


  25. Al says:

    Oh what a shame. A great story


  26. misskzebra says:

    *Sigh* Safe to say after reading all these elevator stories, I’ll be taking the stairs every time from now on.


  27. Dear Elephant,

    This photo certainly incites ghostly inclinations in a few of us, doesn’t it? 😉 I really enjoyed this and am left wondering where she went. Nicely done, Sir.




  28. I love the mysterious ending. This calls for a good detective ….


  29. Ohgosh! How terribly scary…..and sad too. I really want to know more, about how she disappeared, what really happened, whether he tried to get her back somehow.. Great suspense!


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