Arrival – Friday Fictioneers

AnElephantCant write about New York
That is one place he has never been
But a boy meets a girl
Somewhere in the world
And AnElephant just sets the scene

Once again it is Friday Fictioneer time.
Hosted by the romantic Rochelle, this is a gathering of writers from around the globe, a melange of cultures, ages, genders and ideas.
The idea is to write a very short story, circa 100 words, based on this picture prompt (below).
That’s it.

Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields

Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields


It is more than six months since they last saw each other, a holiday romance that neither expected to last.
And yet they kept in touch all this time.
She saw her youngest through school, worked long hours, saved every penny she could.
He left Scotland, moved to the south of France, is happy in the sunshine.
He is wondering why he agreed to her visit, but she seemed so keen.
He sees her emerge through the Arrivals gate, dragging her suitcase.
His heart leaps.
She is stunning!
She sees him smiling and waving and thinks ‘Why am I here?’

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47 Responses to Arrival – Friday Fictioneers

  1. glossarch says:

    The rise and the fall. Speaking as one whose initial impressions of people are almost always wrong, I’d say there’s hope yet!


  2. I’ve felt that initial doubt myself before. Hopefully he will charm her as he has done before; else why would she have come?


  3. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear AEC,

    A humorous and all too true take on the thinking of star-crossed lovers the world over.




  4. Someone is up for a disapointment


  5. Linda Vernon says:

    Oh I really like the way you delivered the ending to us. All is not as one was expecting . . .


  6. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: The Last Mile | The Blurred Line

  7. long distance relationships have their own form of complexity / nicely done


  8. Oh dear… This doesn’t sound wonderful… Hmmm. Very cleverly written, though!


  9. EagleAye says:

    Oh so sad. There doesn’t seem to be much romance between them. People change as years pass, I suppose. But perhaps they’ll move on after this awkward meeting.


  10. Anja says:

    Oh no!!!! Maybe she was saying….why am I here and not rushing over there to him? (I’m an optimist). Then again…if they are in France, love will blossom. 🙂


  11. Dear Elephant,

    You packed a lot of back story and caused quite a bit of speculation in just 100 words. Have you ever seen the movie or play “Same Time Next Year”? This put me in mind of it. Nice one. I’m personally hoping for a positive outcome in this relationship. 😉




    • Thanks for your kind words, Rochelle, AnElephant tries to communicate as much as possible within your challenging limit.
      He enjoys it so much that he almost always does exactly 100 words.
      Except when he doesn’t!


  12. Joe Owens says:

    Waiting has made them doubtful. How positively true.


  13. helenmidgley says:

    So many possibilities, both good and bad. Great job 🙂


  14. pattisj says:

    These two are a bundle of nerves and emotions. I hope they are able to get things sorted out.


  15. kz says:

    AnElephant certainly did a marvelous job with setting the scene 🙂


  16. julespaige says:

    “Why am I here” – could be followed by “Why haven’t I come sooner…” or “Will he come to me, too?” or “Pinch me because I am not sure I am really here in this fairy tale.”
    Just looking at the half glass full side.

    I though, can write about New York …
    Though it wasn’t for the prompt.

    Little ones arriving soon… Thanks for the hugs. And here’s hoping for happy hearts everyday.


  17. Alastair says:

    What sheer disappointment must be due to go through him.

    Unless it is nerves making her think that, and as she is about to make a momentous decision … she is scared


  18. How sad when each person has a different reaction to a long-anticipated meeting. Your story could as easily be called “Departure”, as it seems that’s what’s happening.



  19. summerstommy2 says:

    For an old/elderly/aging/maturing man sir elephant you have the most agile of minds mate. My mind is still trying to swim out to the boat. Apart from that a man in love is wonderful to read about. Excellent piece good sir. Entertaining as always and an small insight into your world?


  20. I know that sweaty-handed anticipation of waiting to meet someone after so long. Hopefully she’ll come around to him soon.


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