Motherly Love – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets th
e weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on this picture, below, which this week is supplied by Fatima Fakier Deria.

© Fatima Fakier Deria

Click here to hear the author read his words:

Motherly Love

I often think of my mother, and her words of comfort and advice.
She was a gentle woman, but strong.
She brought up five of us alone.
We never knew our father.
Or fathers, maybe, she never said.
But she did teach us how to treat others.
So when I see a crowd of young people, especially girls, on a night out, I remember her.
There is often one, usually drunk, who gets left behind, or lost.
I understand how frightening this can be, how vulnerable they are.
I heed my mother’s words.
Take what you can when you can.

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53 Responses to Motherly Love – Friday Fictioneers

  1. She taught him well.


  2. I don’t think that’s what mum meant! Talk about selective hearing. Good twist at the end there.


  3. Well, that was a twist!


  4. I felt lulled by the story, til the sting in the tail last line. Clever story.


  5. You never fail to lead us down that dark path, and I am glad you don’t 🙂


  6. siobhan1967 says:

    *shivers* – great piece. A pity that in the real world there’s so many others like him.


  7. draliman says:

    Well, that got dark fast! Shame he’s twisting his mother’s teaching.


  8. Liz Young says:

    That was a nasty sting in the tail!


  9. Very chilling tale. It’s either the mother’s warped teachings or the young man’s interpretation.
    I really enjoy your shocking and entertaining endings each week. Especially, after building the stories so gently.


  10. pennygadd51 says:

    Wow, this is a clever story! You don’t merely explain the narrator’s motivation, you give us insight into the root causes of his mother’s advice. CE, you have excelled yourself. For me, this is story of the week.


  11. Sandra says:

    I’m going to tell myself that your narrator took the opportunity to put her in a taxi, and give her the fare home…. nope, that didn’t work. The sting in the tail was expected, to a certain extent, but I was almost fooled for a moment.


  12. Every week you lull us into complacency and then the last line shake us out of it with a dark, very dark twist. The best (or is it the worst) part is that we know you would do this but still fall for it. Another great story, Ceayr.


  13. Classic C.E.! And the mother’s advice, well….. 🙂


  14. granonine says:

    Ands here I was feeling all warm and sympathetic for him. Egad!


  15. That mum sounds like someone who’d had others take more than she’d agreed to …

    Liked by 1 person

    • ceayr says:

      Perhaps, and she is just trying to take care of her children, Na’ama

      Liked by 1 person

      • In a way, yes.
        I’ve worked with children who’d come from institutions where the only way to survive was for the big kids to take food from the little kids. It exacted a terrible price, of course, but for the orphans in those places, there was no other option. They’d learned what they had to. As many in dire circumstances do.


  16. Dale says:

    Methinks he took her words a tad too literally…


  17. trentpmcd says:

    Hmm, maybe Mother was one of those who had too much to drink and was left behind, which is why she had five kids with no fathers… Nice twist.


  18. Tannille says:

    Creepy and brilliant twist.
    A serial killer born?


  19. I’ll say it too – quite a twist! Nice one CE.

    Here’s mine!


  20. Dear C.E.

    Somehow, I didn’t think Mum’s words would be “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Quite the smack-you-in-the-face ending.




  21. Now that was an unexpected twist! Great take on the photo prompt.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  22. Colline says:

    OOh, that twist at the end! Nicely done.


  23. neilmacdon says:

    Clever and unexpected twist in the last line


  24. Iain Kelly says:

    Not the advice I was expecting…!


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