The Job – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
Today’s photo by Janet Webb took me to a dark place when I first saw it back in 2013, and the resulting story found its way into my great book, Medville Matters, published last summer.
Did I already mention that it is available here, on this blog, over in the right hand column?
I have tweaked it this time, to hopefully freshen it up.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Janet Webb

© Janet Webb

The Job

The sum that they offer is incredible.
For them money is no object.
They give me very detailed specifications.
I know exactly what I need and where to find it.
I get half of the money now and the balance on delivery.
I know they will pay.
I know they have a requirement for a continuous supply of product.
This is just the first job.
I wait in the supermarket car-park.
I watch her put her blonde three-year old in the SUV.
I put the cloth over her mouth and roll her under the car.
Walk away with a golden-haired fortune.

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62 Responses to The Job – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Nobbinmaug says:

    Far too many atrocities are justified with, “It’s just a job.” Maybe your guy is selling to mine.


  2. madamewriter says:

    Terrifying and so real. Good writing for dark actions.


  3. Yikes. Shocking piece. Interesting scenario and well told.


  4. Extremely dark and good writing, C.E. Yes, there are plenty of slimy, greedy creatures at both ends of that business. May they all end up behind bars in the prison general population with inmates who hate that type of crime. I don’t believe all the hangings reported in prisons are suicides. I know the knifings aren’t. I also seriously doubt most of the guards care. —- Suzanne


  5. subroto says:

    Nicely done. Dark one indeed. But if only it was so easy to walk away with a quiet three old. Obviously fictional 😉


  6. Margaret says:

    Oo what a horrible character you’ve created. He’s so cold about it all – I think you’ve captured the iciness such people and others with similar ‘jobs’ must have. Brilliant story, CE.


  7. draliman says:

    That is a dark place you went to. I like the lack of emotion the person is showing (well, not exactly “like”, you know what I mean!).


  8. rgayer55 says:

    Ha, you’re a fine one to complain about profiling of shopping carts. Is that what you used for your getaway vehicle?


  9. I agree with the others on the creepiness. The sad thing is that there is a demand there, and when it comes to trafficking, human beings rank number three, after drugs and arms. It’s worse when people sell or take advantage of their own relatives.


  10. Vinay Leo R. says:

    That seems to be the way of it. Dark and effective, as someone mentioned before. Wow.


  11. And that’s how easily it happens. Awful tale, but well told.


  12. wmqcolby says:

    Dude, you’re gonna spoil me with that awesome recording. Which is good, you should continue doing it for the blog. I think it helps overall. As for the story, nice and dark.

    Five out of five pink elephants.


  13. Tales From The Trunk says:

    Amazing Imagery, dark but breathtaking. Wowza-great job!


  14. jwdwrites says:

    Dark and effective 🙂


  15. mandibelle16 says:

    Such an awful tale. Human trafficking? I hope someone finds her 3-year-old soon. Great writing CE.


  16. Wow, that was a heart-breaker i did not see coming!


  17. The writer has been taking some serious flack. We should all be looking out for our own and our neighbour’s!! Scary, scary, scary story!! And all to real. I did some volunteer work at an orphanage some time ago and we had two kids rescued from slave traders! It takes a shock sometimes to wake one up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ceayr says:

      Thank you for your visit and your comment.
      Although I confess that I do not understand all of what you say, I very much appreciate your time.


  18. My mind was leaping to all sorts of conclusions but you caught me by surprise.


  19. paulmclem says:

    I’m sure CE is a former, or perhaps even a current, hit-man for the Triads.


  20. Graham Lawrence says:

    Suitably dark. Remind me not to contradict you if we meet one day!


  21. michael1148humphris says:

    Not nice, I put Inspector Johnson on the case.🙂


  22. k rawson says:

    Oh no! Scary stuff. Great story.


  23. gahlearner says:

    I was thinking about jewels, assassination, anything, but not child trafficking. Great and horrible twist, very dark, very good.


  24. Oh, the last line tells it all. Gave me the chills. Well done.


  25. Oh my, that was dark. Incredible writing.


  26. MrBinks says:

    Genuinely creepy!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Dear CE,

    Everyone has a darker side, but I think you’ve taken yours to a new level. Well constructed story but such a disturbing ending. Well done.




  28. Oh, this is wonderfully dark. Beautifully terrifying.


  29. Lynn Love says:

    And you called me dark! I love the structure here, the way you lay the foundations, give us hints to what your man’s going to do, that it’s illegal, that there will be an endless demand for the product. The shocker is what that ‘product’ is. The way your man talks about the girl as if she is just a commodity – chilling.
    I agree with Sandra. That line is a cracker.


  30. Sandra says:

    That was indeed a dark one. The line “golden-haired fortune” is a corker – stopped me in my tracks. You do this so well, I’d hesitate to meet you on a dark night in Marseille. Or anywhere for that matter.

    Liked by 1 person

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