
C.E. Ayr – Creator of a new genre

Welcome to my blog.

My 5 books, in paperback or e-book, some shown above, can be viewed and/or purchased by clicking on the appropriate image(s) on the right-hand side of every page.

About page, predictably, has some fairly uninteresting personal stuff about me, brief information on my major literary and broadcasting triumphs, links to some really fun YouTube collaborations with talented folk, and contact details for any film producer interested in a deal.

Sound Bite Fiction, as I call the hundreds of short stories to be found here, can be reached by clicking on this link, or on the line at the top of the page.
Many of the stories are accompanied by my reading of the words in a charmingly unintelligible Scots accent.

I write stories, and sometimes a story emerges as a poem.
I’m not sure what the difference is, although poems tend to emerge totally unpunctuated and occasionally they contain rhymes.
There is a sub-category of poetry that I wrote pre-2021 on a different blog. They can be found here.

Songs showcases some of my poetry transformed into songs by a number of talented musicians.  Again, just click the link here or above.
All songs are performed by the musicians who put the words to music.

I have been fortunate to have collaborated for many years with Phil Burns, a former business colleague and a friend for more decades than I care to count. Together we have created many things, including a series of children’s books. I am privileged to use his superb artwork to enhance my words, so I showcase some of his many styles here.

And finally, some words to live by:

it’s all rock n roll by Phil Burns