A Flying Frog – Six Sentence Story

Artwork by Phil Burns

This challenge is produced by GirlieOnTheEdge with the following simple rules:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word – FAIR

Click here to hear the author read his words

Minutes of Citizens’ Assembly Meeting on Parliamentary Conduct

Representative of (Religious/Political/Ethnic/Gender/Whatever) Group
: We are offended…
Chairperson of Citizens’ Assembly: That is your right. Next!
Rep: What?
Chairperson: We are here, as representatives of the People of our country, to investigate allegations of political misconduct and breaches of parliamentary rules and, quite frankly, do not give a flying frog about the delicate sensibilities or trouble-making trolling of such as yourself. Life is not always fair, so stop whinging, and get over yourself.

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28 Responses to A Flying Frog – Six Sentence Story

  1. Ha! Fair enough. (as long as they play fairly)


  2. Excellent, C.E. There is consensus as to how our culture is devolving. Question is, can it be stopped?
    btw, love learning new words so thank you for “whinging”!


    • ceayr says:

      Thanks, Denise, we have a chance in Scotland, and I can’t speak for anywhere else, but I’m not overly optimistic.
      ‘Whinging’ is widely used in Scotland, much preferred to the more bland ‘whining’.


  3. Bravo, CE, and excellent art by Phil. All sharp stuff!


  4. How many of us would love to hear this spoken aloud in the political arena!


  5. I am deeply offended by this piece and demand a Parliamentary Inquiry into your activities, followed by a jolly good flogging. 🙂 Brilliant cartoon but he probably needs a birching as well.


  6. clark says:

    “…reminiscent of the politics in Latin America that we used to laugh at.” (In your Reply to Keith’s comment… way too true in most cultures.)

    Funny how future oppressors use the extremes of other cultures to try and gild the supposed virtues of their own. Over here, back in the day we children were indoctrinated with cautionary tales about how terrible life in the Soviet Union was, where children spy on their parents and report to the State…
    frickin Lord Acton totally nailed it.


  7. Chris Hall says:

    P.S. Love the artwork – I always forget to say. Well done, Phil Burns!


  8. Chris Hall says:

    I’m sure there is room for redemption in the hallowed corridors of Holyrood. As for my adopted country… *sigh*


  9. Frank Hubeny says:

    Good description: “delicate sensibilities or trouble-making trolling”. Good story of being offended by those who seem to be always offended.


  10. jenne49 says:

    If only…
    You hit at the heart of the modern obsession that’s causing the word ‘offend’ to lose its force and serious issues to be lost in wars of words.
    Excellent piece.
    And I love the title!


  11. Not fair, but certainly should be, though I can’t see that happening any time soon.


    • ceayr says:

      This is really aimed at Holyrood, Keith, where I think there is still hope.
      I agree that Westminster has reached a new low in lies, corruption and cronyism, reminiscent of the politics in Latin America that we used to laugh at.

      Liked by 1 person

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