Widow – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture below, which this week is supplied by Trish Nankivell.

© Trish Nankivell

Click here to hear the author read his words:


I am concerned.
I have been hired by an insurance company to investigate a widow.
Her first husband was a rally driver.
He died in a high-speed crash.
Her second husband was a motorcycle racer.
He had an unfortunate incident with a tree.
Her third husband was an accountant.
He had a fall while walking in Glencoe.
Each of these men was quite wealthy, and very well insured.
The insurance company is unhappy.
Three large payouts to the same beneficiary makes them understandably suspicious.
I have studied her carefully.
And I am concerned.
Because she is an extremely alluring lady.

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51 Responses to Widow – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Nobbinmaug says:

    Alluring is usually good for a free pass or four.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. draliman says:

    Knowing we men, I’m sure he’ll take the chance!


  3. Lisa says:

    She may be alluring, but he’s in no danger, he’s only an insurance investigator! Now, she may pull the wool over his eyes. Or, she’s a very unlucky woman. After all, the first two died in reasonable ways for their careers, and falls can happen to anyone.


  4. Michael says:

    Darned insurance companies, they never like paying out🙂


  5. bearmkwa says:

    Heheee. what an evil little woman… he better watch out, indeedy! LOL! Merry Christmas!


  6. Well, in her defence, walking can be quite a dangerous activity for sedentary office-bound types 😉 I reckon he is safe, because what rich guy would do the dirty work of a PI?


  7. Tannille says:

    Hello husband number 4! Great flow to the story, C.


  8. Gosh! Men!!!!!!! They never learn, do they?


  9. Hmm…. well, one cannot say they were not amply warned … 😉
    Nice one, C.!
    Happy Christmas!


  10. msjadeli says:

    I wonder how many exes the investigator has had? Perfect job to pick targets.


  11. plaridel says:

    he can try to seduce him, i don’t think she’d be interested in a lowly investigator. :


  12. Love the story. Hopefully the insurance company found a very poor man to investigate her. Seems like that’s the only hope they (and he) have. 🙂


  13. Hmm, he should be concerned, and if he’s husband number four, keep one eye on her at all times.
    Excellent last line!


  14. Lure, allure, and better endure! Lat line was a killer, Ceayr.


  15. liz young says:

    Either she’s very unlucky or a skilled mechanic!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Her fourth husband was a successful investigator. Bye-bye. Next ….!


  17. granonine says:

    Oho, watch it, there, young fella. You’re right to be concerned. Could be this lady is one of the fabled Sirens of mythical fame.


  18. trishsplace says:

    He he he! And so should you be concerned, young man. Very nicely done.


  19. Dear CE,

    She sounds like a must to avoid.




  20. Sandra says:

    As the others say, I’m not sure he has what she is looking for. Of course, he may prove me wrong and he may well be a scintillating catch. Briefly.


  21. Iain Kelly says:

    Insurance Investigator? I suspect he hasn’t the money to tempt her. On the other hand, if he’s looking for a quick marriage and a quick payout, she would be very alluring to him…

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Susan Eames says:

    Ha ha – great last line, CE. Loved your take on the photo prompt.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  23. neilmacdon says:

    Damn! I meant Hitchcock of course


  24. neilmacdon says:

    Wonderfully Hitcock. He’s probably safe–he doesn’t seem rich enough


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