Eureka – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, the standard, and the prompt photo.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture below, which this week is supplied by
Rowena Curtin.

© Rowena Curtin

Click here to hear the author read his words:


It happened at my mother’s funeral.
I could tell whose condolences were sincere.
And who was just mouthing words, indifferent to my pain and loss.
Afterwards, back at work, it was a revelation.
I knew who was dedicated to their job, who was just killing time, who hated it, and me.
Now I understand the scale of this.
I see into people’s hearts, or minds, or souls – please choose the right word for your belief system – and I read their actual thoughts.
My marriage is over, of course.
I had to move out quickly.
Before I could read my children.

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50 Responses to Eureka – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Late to reading (the FF posts this week) myself, but yeah … it can be a problem … 😉


  2. Reading people is hard, indeed.


  3. Very intriguing story, especially the line “My marriage is over, of course.” There’s a lot of subtext there. I would think it better not to know what people were thinking most of the time. Great job.


  4. I would certainly not celebrate this ability. Somethings are best left unknown, like how someone truly feels about me or what they are genuinely feeling about anything. I’d rather have the edited version and leave the rest to my imagination. Very creative and excellently written as always, CE!


  5. Bill says:

    Interesting. I know many who are fond of telling what I think and feel. Mind readers, all.


  6. The sound of peoples thoughts would be deafening I’d guess, lovely piece. You remind me of Ivor Cutler when you speak, a good thing.


  7. pennygadd51 says:

    What a thought provoking post, CE. Great take on the prompt!


  8. Sue says:

    Great take on the prompt! I wonder if it would be a blessing or a curse?


  9. draliman says:

    Indeed, a blessing or a curse? Every time I wish I could know what someone is thinking, I’ve quickly decided that I would be better off not knowing.


  10. Mike says:

    Such a gift I think would drive most people mad,


  11. A true curst to have a gift like that. I think he needs to find a place in the desert…


  12. Dora says:

    UGH. When seeing too much is worse than not seeing at all! Enjoyed this clever take on the prompt, C.E.


  13. granonine says:

    That’s not a gift I would ask for. Working as a therapist for many years, i learned to read people in many ways. Little facial tics, body language, even fingers and hands could signal a variety of things. But to be able to read what’s inside? I think that would be devastating. For everyone.


  14. You should go on Britains Got Talent and turn your gift into a career!


  15. Indira says:

    For a positive person it could have been a boon. Amazing take. Great story, very imaginative.


  16. It’s bad enough being able to read body language without that added ‘gift’.


  17. Rowena says:

    Wow, CE! I love your response to my photo. I have trouble with my photo editor not rotating images properly and it’s actually supposed to be rotated left and is a charity donation bin. I took my son with me to drop off some stuff and he found the whole place really spooky, even though I used to work next door and he knows the place well. It’s in an industrial estate and kept at the back of a carport at the end of a longish driveway. It struck me as being like a poor man’s Tardis, which inspired my response.
    I agree that the powers of telepathy would be awkward and potentially very upsetting. However, it could be preferable to people who believe they know what you’re thinking and get it wrong.
    Best wishes,


  18. Tannille says:

    That “gift” would be enough to send anyway mad. What a great character!


  19. I remember thinking as a child how amazing being telepathic would be, only to decide that it wouldn’t be amazing at all! Nicely done, CE.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  20. trishsplace says:

    Excellent imagining!


  21. Sandra says:

    What a frightening thought. Well done.


  22. Iain Kelly says:

    Now there’s an interesting/terrifying thought – what do people actually think of me? I hope he hasn’t given his children a reason to reject him too much… Excellent as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. MrBinks says:

    Great take.


  24. Dear CE,

    Mindreading wouldn’t be a good thing, I don’t think. You’d find out things you’d rather not know. Good one.




  25. neilmacdon says:

    Wonderfully inventive

    Liked by 1 person

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