The prom prom prom – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
This week’s thought-provoking image comes courtesy of the peerless Sandra Crook.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on this picture, below.

© Sandra Crook

Click here to hear the writer read his words:

The prom, prom, prom

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside…
Don’t start!
What? Don’t you like my singing?
Nobody likes that ghastly noise you emit.
But that photo by the fabulous Ms Crook makes me think of the beach.
It’s not Sandra’s fault you sing like a strangled aardvark.
Oh I do …
I have a gun.
I am always armed on this blog.
Sometimes you scare me.
So if I can’t sing …
Be quiet while I get to the point.
There’s a point?
What do you smell when you look at the photo?
Sea air?
Thank you.

And to hear more of that execrable song:

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61 Responses to The prom prom prom – Friday Fictioneers

  1. “I’m always armed on this blog” was funny but your witticism at the end was as charming as your lovely accent!


  2. Oh, this resonated with me as I have been afflicted with the horrible condition of not being able to carry a tune in a bucket. It is all the more debilitating as I remember all the words. As for the gun, it is a good thing to have at the ready should the need arise. 😊


  3. Lynn Love says:

    It is not a great song, but we have to forgive our forebears – it was composed before radio, before the internet, before TV … even before Friday Fictioneers. How else could they pass the time. I would always expect you to be armed, of course – I’ve read your fiction! 😉 Lovely to read you again C


    • ceayr says:

      Lovely to see you here again, Lynn.
      I trust you are well and have just been off writing the Great English Novel?
      And I like that we should show forbearance to our musically challenged forebears!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lynn Love says:

        Lovely to see you too, C! A mixture of writing (unpaid) and floristry (paid) have kept me away from FF for a long while. The following is so big now, I feel it’s unfair if I don’t have time to reciprocate to a good chunk of the writers and recently, I just haven’t had time. Nice to pop in and say hello though.
        And yes, we have to be very forgiving of the musical tastes of our forebears – and there’s a lot to forgive!


  4. Take that gun to an Octopus’s Garden and bring us back some calamari, won’t you. And feel free to sing during the shooting.


  5. michael1148humphris says:

    Do I have to be quiet until you get to the piont, I hope that the gun is all rusted up by the sea air😊


  6. subroto says:

    He does sound carefree and happy. Except now I’ve got that song playing in my head 😉


  7. Dear CE,

    Alas the video won’t play here. Everyone’s a critic. Sea Air…Cute.




  8. Anita says:

    Love the enthusiastic singer 🙂
    Here’s mine- Nature’s Treasure


  9. Ha ha ha, I have no idea what a normal aardvark sounds like, let alone one being strangled 🙂


  10. Abhijit Ray says:

    You sing when you are happy and when you are on the beach. Who cares if others like it or not?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Prior... says:

    I could not get the video to play in this country –
    But did not need it – your playful piece gave a nice shout out and it does smell like sea air
    And that first line had me saying I want to be BED side by the seaside – you know how the mind brings closure and projects words that are close – and well that would be good right now


  12. This was fun! Now I can’t help but wonder (no worries, I won’t actually do it) what a strangled aardvark might sound like … 😉 Na’ama
    My contribution, if you’re in the mood:


  13. Goodness! You have stepped onto the lighter side of Friday Fictioneers (except for the gun, of course) and made me laugh. Thank you.


  14. granonine says:

    This was fun to read. And I never thought about needing to be armed when I blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. If she sings like a strangled aardvark it’s likely she dances like a seasick hippopotamus


  16. Never blog without adequate firepower. Excellent piece!


  17. pennygadd51 says:

    Oh I do like this piece of dialogue!
    “I have a gun.
    I am always armed on this blog.”
    Absolutely cracked me up!
    And that pun at the end – my goodness, how did you dare?!
    Very, very funny post this week CE!

    Liked by 1 person

    • ceayr says:

      When you have hung around this blog as long as I have you know a gun is an absolute must!
      As for the pun, if I can’t laugh at myself then what’s the point?
      Very, very glad you enjoyed this week, Penny!


  18. Joe Owens says:

    Well I must say I enjoyed that so much with the audio. I enjoy the sound of voices from your part of the world. I have favored some actresses who made it to the big screen from Scotland and ireland (yes I know they are very different) and tell my wife if a young lady from there with the wrong intentions came along I might go missing!


  19. Sandra says:

    Terrific dialogue. The tone reminded me of Stan Freburg’s spoof dialogue on Dragnet. “Gimme the facts man…” I think it was the staccato style that did it. But the gun made it yours…


  20. lisarey1990 says:

    The dialogue was great and I thought all the sections were put together very well.


  21. Iain Kelly says:

    I’m quite fond of the song, nothing sums up British holidays as a child better – which may not be a compliment to British holidays. Nice flow of dialogue, and raised a wry smile 🙂


  22. neilmacdon says:

    Nice dialogue, which is hard to do without action description


  23. jillyfunnell says:

    I hope the gun is safely back in its locked cupboard. And I have no ear worm because the track wouldn’t play for me 🙂 Execrable, lovely word. Most enjoyable, the way the dialogue unfolded.


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