The Shower – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
And today our multi-talented leader also supplies the photo prompt.
And her somewhat gloomy image brightened my spirits considerably.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Click here to hear me read my story:
The S

That is what I am charged with.
In the USA they call it Justifiable Homicide.
I think it was justified.
In France it could be a Crime of Passion.
Well, I was certainly passionate when I grasped her throat and shook the life out of her.
In most ways she was a wonderful wife.
But she couldn’t resist it.
It wasn’t just occasionally.
It was every morning.
When I am not at my best anyway.
What did she do to upset me so much?
I will tell you.
She ran the kitchen tap when I was in the shower.

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75 Responses to The Shower – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Dahlia says:

    Everyone’s said it all – I can only agree. Hilarious, brilliant and justifiable.


  2. Margaret says:

    I guess he reached breaking point – freezing point? Still – a bit harsh. In light of your disapproval of laughing and coffee-spluttering responses to your story, I’d like to say that I’m taking it very seriously.


  3. Haha! not a jury in the world would convict!


  4. LOL … and … murder … I LOVE IT, CE.
    She may have been sending him a message with the cold shower.
    Oooppsss … did I say that? : 0
    Fun macabre story …
    Isadora 😎


  5. It’s a wonder she lived as long as she did. :/


  6. mandibelle16 says:

    Humerous piece. I guess after many years, that little thing in the morning could grow to be such an issue. No wonder he was mad at her, justifiable homicide indeed.


  7. And you know that you were saved the bell, another time leaving the seat up in the toilet and she had a meat-cleaver prepared.


  8. rgayer55 says:

    You’re right it is justifiable. Connie used to do that to me all the time, but rather than put her out of my misery, I just paid her back by returning the favor. Naturally, I’d wait until she got lathered up and her head covered in shampoo before opening the hot water tap in the kitchen. It only took a few “lessons” to correct her behavior.


    • ceayr says:

      No, Russell, not at all justified in your case.
      Connie is a lovely lady and you are a cad and a bounder.
      I have sent her a link to a YouTube video ‘How to garotte your surplus husbands in 3 easy steps’.


  9. You’ll get off with a warning – a warning never to shower when someone’s in the kitchen!

    Visit Keith’s Ramblings


  10. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover says:

    Yep, I laughed even after all the dark build up. Well done.


  11. Dale says:

    So you have us all laughing over murder. Quite the coup!


  12. Running kitchen tap… the most heinous of crimes!


  13. Indira says:

    One has to be in his shoes to justify this much anger. Nicely written. Great writing style.


  14. misskzebra says:

    Well. I can definitely empathise with this narrator.


  15. SwimLife says:

    Very Intriguing! I think the darkness was a nice touch. Everyone is about fairy tales and happy endings.


  16. paulmclem says:

    Does it get any more thoughtless? She had nobody to blame but herself.


  17. Graham Lawrence says:

    Some nice dark humour!


  18. emmylgant says:

    Ta-da-boom!!! Great last line!
    Love the well timed black humour.


  19. I am SO showing my husband this as a warning…

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Some things are just inexcusable! No doubt she would have met with demise even sooner had she chosen to flush the toilet 😉


  21. Anja says:

    We discussed when you went on a killing rampage of myself the other day…I’m relieved you didn’t revisit those moments.


  22. jademwong says:

    I’m not sure whether to laugh at the humor or gasp at the horror. How you managed to blend such two contrasting tones into one amusing yet terrible act is super impressive! I guess now he can shower in peace.

    Loved your storytelling in this story!

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Lynn Love says:

    I suspect folk have been killed over less …Nice build up and then a sucker punch at the end. Great story telling as always C 🙂


  24. gahlearner says:

    That made me laugh out loud, too. It just shows that better plumbing can save lives. This is great.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. michael1148humphris says:

    Smiling all the way to the Burns Unit. By the way that’s not Robbie Burns. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  26. neilmacdon says:

    I laughed too, And then I felt bad about laughing

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Dear CE,

    Hell hath no fury as a man deprived of hot water. Love it. You made me laugh out loud.



    Liked by 2 people

  28. Jo says:

    Wow, really compelling. Kept me intrigued until the very end. Creepy guy though :O


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