Fireworks – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
Today’s moody photo by Vijayay Sundaram prompted a surprisingly literal take.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Vijaya Sundaram

© Vijaya Sundaram

Click here to hear me read the story:

I sit on my balcony overlooking the square.
Today is July 14th, so it is packed with people celebrating, French locals and foreign tourists here for the spectacle.
The fireworks start at 10.30 pm.
The bangs echo strangely around the enclosed space.
The multi-coloured flashes create an air of unreality.
I have an Archer nightscope, which allows me to identify individual faces.
The report from my lightweight Blaser rifle will go unnoticed, of course.
It doesn’t even matter if I miss my selected target.
I will hit the person behind.
I just want to know how it feels to kill.

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61 Responses to Fireworks – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Ah, another dark, chilling tale told in style!
    When you write a tender romance, with no hint of bloodshed, and with only a floating hint of a happy ending, I know something will have changed utterly, and get worried.
    (Forgive my late response, but I’m computer-less. Using my husband’s computer right now. Mine is kaput.)


  2. I also enjoyed hearing you read it!


    • ceayr says:

      Happy you enjoyed, Emily, thank you.
      It is good to know that it adds a little something.
      You can find more readings under Current Story and, less surprisingly, Other Readings up at the top.


  3. A chilling character. I love the fireworks creating “an air of unreality.” Well done.


  4. Margaret says:

    So, this is his (her?) first foray into the world of carnage and mayhem, by the sound of it. I just hope this assassin gets recruited by the good guys when s/he builds up his/her skill base. Gruesome stuff.


  5. Another dark one, C.E. That’s gives me one more reason for not liking crowds. For your character’s sake, I suggest he slip out of the room by a previously chosen route soon after the shooting. Good, even though blood-soaked writing. 🙂 — Suzanne


  6. Let’s hope he doesn’t like the feeling.


  7. rgayer55 says:

    Wouldn’t it be more fun just to wound them and watch ’em flop about, withering in pain? Take out a knee cap here, a left arm there, pretty soon you’ve got the whole crowd doing the Hokey Pokey.


    • ceayr says:

      While I very much appreciate how you enter creatively into the spirit of things, Russell, I see a couple of flaws in your suggestion.
      Yes, it would be hilarious, and a natural for YouTube, but I really want to kill someone, not just shoot bits off them.
      And I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in the Chateau d’If, merci very much.


  8. mandibelle16 says:

    Oh my. Turning a joyful event and day, into a terrible one for someone. Seems kind of pointless, only because the speaker wants to know how it feels to kill. Seems like he could be one of those scary person’s who likes killing too much.


  9. I dunno, I would frankly prefer to guzzle beer and eat hot dogs.


  10. wmqcolby says:

    Whoa. Good stuff, C.E. That Blaser rifle sounds pretty promising. And like Al says, you always find interesting ways of killing people. Well put. 😉

    Five out of five Bastille Days.


  11. Chilling… and I think you hit the nail here… curiosity never killed the cat, the cat killed the rat just for fun… I think that’s why killers start.


  12. paulmclem says:

    Lol, it’s been a while since we’ve had a chapter from compendium of chilling “Assassin’s Tales” 🙂


  13. michael1148humphris says:

    I don’t suppose that he is aiming at the coconut stall. 🙂


  14. This is going to be a violent week, so it seems. An assassination in the middle of a firework, it’s clever…but scary chilling as well. A little bit too real for me, if I might say so.


  15. Pure evil, killing just for fun!


  16. Graham Lawrence says:

    Another victim! I thought the 14th of July celebrations were held on the 13th these days CE 🙂 I understand why you chose for it to happen on the 14th though


  17. gahlearner says:

    Evil. And sadly now a realistic setting. Frightening thought.


  18. Morgan says:

    You sent a shiver through me!


  19. Sandra says:

    You do this so well. So well, in fact, that I’m glad there’s a body of water between us. There is a body of water between us, isn’t there… 😦

    Liked by 2 people

  20. This is chilling. So well crafted, I could believe it was written by the killer!


  21. Dear CE,

    Yikes!!! I can’t help but wonder about you sometimes. You’ve painted a clear picture of a demented human being. I saw flashes of his face amid the fireworks. Chilling and well written.




  22. Iain Kelly says:

    A chilling last line. Great scene setting and we can all imagine the terror that follows. Great write.


  23. neilmacdon says:

    A “killer” last line


  24. Lynn Love says:

    Are you sure you aren’t actually an hired assassin? Even a part time one? A chilling story, C, moving from a joyful night of celebration to a mindless, thoughtless death scene. Scarily true, too – murders have come about for this very motivation. Great writing as always 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Al says:

    So much more satisfying when you hit the target, and the giggles when the one behind falls down and the look of confusion the face of the one you’ve missed.

    Another fun story.


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