Justified – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
Today’s incomprehensible (to me) photo by Mary Shipman (thank you, Mary) took me down a strange road.
But a familiar one, some might think.
I ask for your continued patience for my lack of involvement, still typing one-fingered with my wrist at a slightly unnatural angle.
Tomorrow I go for an IRM, as an MRI is called here in France.
The idea, as always, is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture, below.

© Mary Shipman

© Mary Shipman


I am not sure if murder is ever justified.
It is, after all, a pretty extreme response.
But this guy really bugs me.
I detest his supporters, his collaborators, his mindless admirers, almost as much.
But I can’t kill them all, can I?
Maybe I should try.
But I start with him.
He is so smug, so self-satisfied, so sure that he is smarter than the rest of us.
I think he is no more than a conman.
So I drag him from his bed.
And, while he is still conscious, I pickle him in formaldehyde.
I hate installation art.

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38 Responses to Justified – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Pickled, huh? What a way to go!
    Hope you are on the road to recovery. I know how maddening it is to be handicapped by and illness/injury.


  2. ansumani says:

    I wonder if he could have done the pickling with one finger …I guess not. It’s a talent only authors have 🙂 Get well soon.


  3. rgayer55 says:

    Had me worried there. For a minute, I was afraid you were talking about me.
    I suggest you hand him. Art should be hung.


  4. Margaret says:

    Your pickled artist could be added to the display. That would be a post-modern twist. Terrific story. Love the ending. Get well.


  5. Some critics can be so harsh can’t they? I wonder if he has Damien Hirst in his sights next…


  6. gahlearner says:

    Gulp. You scare me more with one-finger-writing than most people can with ten.


  7. Clearly that 1-finger gig doesn’t hold you back! Dark and humorous, all at once… and like Jan, my mind wandered to certain targets. 😉 Feel better writer friend.


  8. Hope you start feeling better very soon 🙂 I have to say that this one finger typing doesn’t stop your inspiration flowing. Very good tale.


  9. Jan Brown says:

    I was hoping the story referred to Trump, but that would really be a frightening piece of installation art!!! Wishing you good luck with your wrist.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. mandibelle16 says:

    An interesting choice of a way to kill a man. You have a great imagination Caeyr. I hope you never become a murderer 🙂 Also, hope you’re healing well.


  11. Adam Ickes says:

    I probably shouldn’t on account of the murder and all, but I really like the narrator.


  12. mickwynn2013 says:

    Great story, I enjoyed it


  13. Fun, and I share your narrator’s view of installations. Bring me an axe. You better?


  14. Dale says:

    Love the comparison to Installation Art… this could so very well be one, couldn’t it?


  15. Good story, C.E. I also thought I saw a familiar politician in this one at the beginning. I looked up “installation art”. Powerful ending twist. I hope your wrist will improve with the treatment. Well done as always. —- Suzanne


  16. liz young says:

    Having a wrist problem hasn’t lamed your mind – excellent story. For most of the story I thought you were commenting on a person in US politics!


  17. subroto says:

    And that’s how some people find themselves in a pickle. Nice one and I do hope that you get better soon.


  18. I thought you were getting rid of Trump for us at first. Well, I love a good pickle! Expertly done story as usual.


  19. Josslyn Rae Turner says:

    You created a great villain.


  20. wmqcolby says:

    Never heard of installation art, but I have seen the movie “Bucket of Blood” where a guy kills someone and covers him in clay and creates a statue out of him. Nice story, CE. 😉


  21. I read this in a very grisly voice. Well done, I enjoyed it!


  22. cohopenny says:



  23. k rawson says:

    That’s great. I couldn’t help but think of some public figures that should be pickled!


  24. wildchild47 says:

    I hope your ongoing tests and results offer solid possibilities in terms of managing and dealing with the ongoing pain and limitations.

    I love the direction you took with this! Great imagination left to run free and the voice of the narrator is chilling. Pickled people, what a means to an end!


  25. Echoes what many people would like to do many others, especially given the state the society is in!


  26. Mike says:

    Formaldehyde used to be used as a sedative, I once saw it accidentally given to the wrong person, in a rugby scrum. Thanks for the memory, I will now have to try and write it up. Until then I will dream of installation art.


  27. The Voice says:

    I’ve heard that pickled conmen make a great side dish for a good Reuben sandwich. Nicely done, CE. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  28. IfeomaO says:

    This was awesome and if it wasn’t intentional- you did a hell of a job capturing real emotions some bear towards some recent political candidates and even current position holders. Hope you recover completely soon.


  29. Sandra says:

    If you’d had a female victim, you could have called her Tracey. I think I’d have appreciated the mental imagery just a tad more. As it was, I was chilled to the bone. Good one again CE. Is your problem a bone problem or a nerve? – I do hope you get some relief from it soon, it must be very depressing.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Caerlynn Nash says:

    I suspect many of us have felt this way at one time or another. Love the method! Pickling… really!! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Graham Lawrence says:

    Haha, I echo the sentiments. Hope you are feeling better soon my friend. So does Graham btw.


  32. lillian says:

    Ah….there’s a few on the political scene I’d like to pickle in formaldehyde! 🙂 Well done….and give it time….healing takes time.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. oldentimes says:

    Well done, CE. I hope the annoyance is gone and your recovery is going smoothly.
    The photo is a restored (tourist trap) general store in Calico CA. They sold everything there.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Installation art or installation hate that’s the question… hope your hands get better soon.


  35. Matthew Burgos says:

    A round of darkness on a light tone. Such a surreal piece. Brilliant story, Sir C.E. Thank you.


  36. Dear CE,

    Installation art? He must really be annoying. Well done. I hope you’re better soon and very soon. ❤




  37. neilmacdon says:

    Darkly funny. Great work!


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