The Tunnel – Sunday Photo Fiction

Sunday Photo Fiction is a weekly challenge presented by my old friend Al Forbes.
The idea is to write a short story (200 word max) inspired by what you see in his picture (below).
This week’s intriguing photo has all the potential to lead to a dark place.
Or is there always light at the end of the tunnel?
Click on this link to enter your tale, and see what others have written.

Copyright Al Forbes

Copyright Al Forbes

The Tunnel

I am dazed by the fall, unsure if I passed out or not.
Stupid, I think, so careless.
I do not want to need help so close to the body I have just buried.
I seem to be in a cave, or tunnel, perhaps.
Yes, probably fell down a mine shaft, there was once a thriving industry here.
I see a light in the distance.
I stagger to my feet, stumble towards it.
As I walk, I reflect on what went wrong.
Usually I study my victims, plan the disposal and escape.
This time I acted on impulse, buried her in this place I hardly know.
And crashed through those rotted planks.
But I am okay, the stiffness is easing, the light getting brighter.
They look like flames, I think.
Then I stop in horror as I recognise the laughing figure who steps out of the fire.
And I know exactly where I am.

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38 Responses to The Tunnel – Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. Ah the murderous coming to a dark well-earned end. Such tidiness and frugality with words is to be admired.


  2. rogershipp says:

    Well done. Talk about taking a fall! Don’t think he could have planned for this one anyway?


  3. Now he sits at the receiving side. He thought to get away every time! Well done


  4. justmaria says:

    Oh my! You never fail to amaze me. This is brilliant! 😀


  5. joannesisco says:

    Holy Black-Holes-To-Hell!! As if making this a murder story isn’t dark enough … you’ve taken the reader straight to hell. Wow.


    • ceayr says:

      Well, I am unsure how to respond to such an enthusiastically animated comment!
      Thank you seems quite inadequate.
      Regardless of my feeble attempts to properly express my gratitude, I am very happy that it inspired such a reaction.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. luckyjc007 says:

    Wow! He will certainly have one helluva of a time now!!! I believe he will be served his justice and it will be HOT. Enjoyable read.


  7. mandibelle16 says:

    Oh my down in the abyss. He certainly fell far, right into Hell. Very scary story.


  8. That is one being I would not want laughing at me! That was a hell of an ending!


  9. Donna says:

    Even when you think you know the ending you still keep reading.


  10. MythRider says:

    Boy is someone in trouble. Well written. It was nice the way the story flowed into the truth of what really happened compare to what he thought reality was.


  11. Dale says:

    Very well done! I loved the pace and tone and gelt I was right there with him!
    Seriously, what did he expect? That he would get away with his nefarious deeds forever?


  12. colonialist says:

    No doubt his comment on getting into that bit of a hole was, ‘Oh, hell!’


  13. Graham Lawrence says:

    Nicely told. I was having so much fun reading that the ending crept up unannounced.


  14. Oh hell! He is in for a devil of a time now. Great twist. Normally you have the murder at the end, this time, the death was completely unexpected. Fantastic.


  15. Steve Lakey says:

    That’s one helluva fall! And a helluva story! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Reblogged this on anelephantcant and commented:
    AnElephantCant crawl down a tunnel
    It’s not that he’s afraid of the dark
    If he eats one more cookie
    His mammothe bahookie
    Gives him a problem even getting onto The Ark

    and he does not want to be extinct!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Dear C. E.

    Is it me, or is it getting warm in here? Justice is served with subtlety and humor in your well constructed story.




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