Poison – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by the wonderful Rochelle, the undisputed master of what I call Sound Bite Fiction.
She sets the weekly challenge, and the standard.
We just have to be creative.
The idea is to write a story of around 100 words based on the picture below.

© G.L. MacMillan.

© G.L. MacMillan.


I am not a cruel person.
I like to think that I give everyone a fair chance.
Even my enemies.
But people who do bad things should be punished, I believe.
I admit I do set myself up as judge and jury.
And I always find them guilty.
But this is where the fair chance applies.
They get to select the bottle.
Some poisons act slowly and painfully.
Others are humanely fast.
And I always offer my condemned prisoners hope of a reprieve.
One bottle, out of the thousands, contains just water.
Very fair, I think.
They get a retrial.

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80 Responses to Poison – Friday Fictioneers

  1. A chance and a fair trial. It would be wonderful!
    O șansă și o judecată dreaptă. Ar fi minunat!


  2. uehobbyist says:

    Excellent! Very Fair Indeed!


  3. We none of us get out of this life alive. 😉


  4. Margaret says:

    Very eerie voice – his matter-of-fact tone makes my skin crawl. Well told and very clever.


  5. Susan Langer says:

    Very interesting plot. A serial killer in poetry. I liked it. 🙂


  6. Great concept, as usual, and very subtly written.


    • ceayr says:

      Thanks, Perry, very kind of you to say so.
      Much appreciated.
      Do you know:
      1. Your link here leads to your Twitter and not your Blog
      b. Your blog gives me a really hard time when I try to leave a comment.
      But I did enjoy your story.


  7. fun as always. I like that there was a possibility of a reprieve


  8. adamjasonp says:

    Random doesn’t actually make something fair. Random is just an abstract concept; nothing is.

    To answer that philosophical question: treating everyone harshly, I’d say yes, it is still cruel. Torture is cruel and unusual punishment… such as giving prisoners a lotto chance of living, otherwise death, slowly and painfully per chance.


    • ceayr says:

      Thank you for your comment, and your opinion.
      I find it interesting how 100 words can generate such diverse discussion.
      As Shakespeare says, one man’s philosophy is another man’s fish and chips.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. My my, what a cruel man!


  10. A great dark story. Packs a lot into the word count.


  11. gahlearner says:

    Oooh, dark and scary. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of that, err, merciful judge.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. rgayer55 says:

    I’ve always hear the phrase, “Pick your poison.” But this puts a whole new spin on it.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I think all killers see themselves as compassionate. They are doing the rest of the world a favor. Masterfully written!


  14. Belinda Crane says:

    This is perfectly described delicate evil. Very dark. Loved it!


  15. micklively says:

    Compassion must be your middle name.
    Good piece.


  16. ansumani says:

    What a generous person…Nice twist at the end there!


  17. Dave says:

    “So mix the kool-aid with the contents of your bottle, children.” –J. Jones


    • ceayr says:

      I rather feel that these are individual punishments rather than the megalomaniacal slaughtering of the innocents.
      Thank you for your visit, and for taking the time to comment.


  18. Ruthlessly good and brilliantly written 🙂


  19. Chilling generosity.


  20. Wonderful story! Very “horrific.” lol I think I would want to select the quick and easy death rather than the retrial. 😀


  21. i b arora says:

    if you are condemning everyone then how could you be cruel.


    • ceayr says:

      Interesting philosophical question, my friend.
      I tried to comment as follows on your blog:
      Whoa, scary biscuits!
      Good stuff.
      but Blogspot is not my friend, evidently.


  22. paulmclem says:

    Are you available for the trial of Walter Palmer #JusticeForCecil? Enjoyed this one.


  23. Melanie says:

    Interesting he considers himself not a cruel person, though likely less cruel than those he tries in his executioner’s court.


  24. justgraham says:

    A lovely tale. Really enjoyed reading it! Thanks


  25. One in the thousands. This is poetically evil and beautifully written.


  26. Your humanity overwhelms us. Please keep up your standards – and writing.


  27. Dear CE,

    I fear that you have a latent dark side. I hope to remain in your good graces. Such a gracious judge in your story. Well constructed and well written.




  28. Oh my, what a lovely way to deal with puny human beings. Nicely written, I feel a bit of chill in my bones.


  29. MrBinks says:

    Excellent slice of fiction. I love it when our 100 word stories have a beginning, middle and end in just 100 words. This does that perfectly. Well done.


  30. Dale says:

    Oh so generous to offer hope… a less bloody Dexter, he is!


  31. Reblogged this on anelephantcant and commented:
    AnElephantCant stop singing that song
    About green bottles that hang on a wall
    He is not at all nervous
    Because with no observers
    How do we know if a green bottle does fall

    Liked by 3 people

  32. Sandra says:

    A retrial hey? The man’s generosity knows no bounds. Terrific!


  33. emmylgant says:

    Gotta love an open-minded judge and jury!
    Very rich starting point for discussion.
    A metaphor.
    Could be Life talking…
    My mind churns.


  34. niasunset says:

    So nicely expressed, and meaningful… You did a wondeerful connection with poison and human, Thank you dear Ceayr, have a nice day, love, nia


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