Dream Home – Friday Fictioneers

AnElephantCant always be happy
There are days when he feels doom and gloom
But like great chandeliers
He flaps his big ears
And his humour brightens the most dreary of rooms

Once again it is Friday Fictioneer time.
Our leading light Rochelle shines her inspirational glow on the flickering fables of current chroniclers.
And AnElephant hides in a dark corner.
The idea is to write a very short story, circa 100 words, based on this picture prompt (below).
That’s it.

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Dream Home

When I saw this old house, it was love at first sight.
Like it was when I met my husband.
So, while he builds the business, I prepare our new home.
He is working 18-hour days, still living in the city.
I have organised plumbers, electricians, and joiners.
They have been wonderful.
But I have created the masterpiece.
I have laboriously, tiny flower by tiny flower, painted the magnificent ceiling rose and cornice in the main room.
I am quivering with pride as I show him.
Almost perfect, darling, he says.
We just have to paint over that ghastly ceiling.

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70 Responses to Dream Home – Friday Fictioneers

  1. storydivamg says:

    What a horrid man! She’ll do well to find a divorce attorney, methinks.

    All my best,


  2. Nan Falkner says:

    Dearest Elephant,
    You are so clever and so smart
    and your writing lifts my heart.
    For you always amuse this grandma still
    you are a genius that writes to thrill
    Besides that, I call you friend
    I will read your work until the end!

    Besides that, you make me laugh! Nan


  3. phylor says:

    Oh dear, this incident does not bode well for the marriage.
    Nice twist at end — great story.


  4. empeck says:

    Woops. Someone chose the wrong thing to comment on. Great work!


  5. adamjasonp says:

    Hope the ending isn’t as horrific as I picture it in my head…


  6. gahlearner says:

    In one of the other stories, the chandelier clutches a person’s head… this may just be such a moment where the chandelier wants to do that. This couple will have to come to an agreement about tastes. Great story, feels painfully real. Been there, heard that, kind of thing. The poem is great, too. Don’t hide in the shadows.


  7. ouch! At least my husband has no opinions about design…that contradict mine, that is ;p Enjoyable as always: And his humour brightens the most dreary of rooms. Absolutely


  8. Me thinks the lady will win this battle. We usually do. I liked your poem.


  9. Margaret says:

    Oh dear. He’s going to have to work hard to make up for that gaff.


  10. Taygibay says:

    LOLOLOLOLOL and all these sort of things, Tay.


  11. And the house reverberated with the all too familiar sound of the honeymoon ending… 😉


  12. Oh boy, his in trouble….big trouble.


  13. O boy…his in trouble. Big trouble.


  14. That man has no culture! Great story.


  15. Ha, been there, had that thrown at me. De gustibus and so on.


  16. Fantastic! I have to say I have missed your poetry that you do at the beginning of your post whilst I’ve been away over the last month. I hope she socked him one for his comment, really great story 🙂


  17. Yolanda Renee says:

    Ghastly ceiling, and a very cold bed! 🙂 Great story!


  18. And the man was found with a fork sticking out of his back.. the mourning widow rearranging flowers.


  19. Caerlynn Nash says:

    Son of a …! I guess he can change it if he doesn’t like it — in all his spare time! LOL. Well done!


  20. ansumani says:

    Was that blood splatter on the chandelier? LOL. Funny story as was the poem in the beginning 🙂


  21. Oops. That was NOT the thing to say!


  22. I think he may have a bit of a problem on his hands!
    Visit Keith’s Ramblings!


  23. emmylgant says:

    Well done! Love ‘quivering with pride’ right before the husband’s comment.
    Which is a shocker.
    As always.


  24. Dale says:

    Och! The CAD!


  25. I have a feeling she is going to show him just how beautiful the ceiling is. 😀 🙂 I really enjoyed reading this story An Elephant.


  26. Vinay Leo R. says:

    Ouch. That would have hurt. Wonder if he’ll ever be able to get his foot out of his mouth and apologize!


  27. Karin says:

    That chandelier may become a weathervane on Mr. Husband’s dog house!


  28. Dear Elephant,

    I see a rather dim future for this husband once he pries his hoof from his lips. Well done.




  29. micklively says:

    Surprises are great; joint planning is better.


  30. Sandra says:

    I hope that chandelier is detachable. I know where it needs to be buried… in his head. Nicely done!


  31. Oh my, that is so sad. Little things can produce fissures and fractures.


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