The Walk – Friday Fictioneers

AnElephantCant write a rhyme this week
He only has time for a very short addendum
Please take it on trust
He does what he must
He is home to back Yes in the Independence Referendum

Once again it is Friday Fictioneer time.
The wonderful Rochelle prompts us to write a story in 100 words.
And AnElephant crosses his fingers.
The idea is to write a very short story, circa 100 words, based on this picture prompt (below).
That’s it.

Copyright – Dawn Q. Landau

Copyright – Dawn Q. Landau

The Walk

I sit outside the little café in the square enjoying the late afternoon sunshine.
She will be here soon, I tell my friends, but I know in my heart it is not true.
She has gone walking in her favourite calanque, among the slippery rocks, a potentially hazardous venture at the best of times.
Recent heavy rainfall and today’s strong winds make it more than usually dangerous, even with her stick.
So my heart skips a beat when she sits down with a smile.
I knew, she says, so my man got your man.
And you are next, my love.

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43 Responses to The Walk – Friday Fictioneers

  1. wmqcolby says:

    Very cool, Elephant. Ian Fleming would have been proud.
    Reminds me of a game we played in college called Assassin. We’d have people assigned to shoot each other with a water gun, but no one knew who it was going to be. Whoever got shot was out of the game. Fun times.


  2. Nan Falkner says:

    Hi AnElephantCant! Great story – I think these two should have been spanked and sent to bed without their supper a LONG time ago. They are both devious – very in tune with each others next move. I fear neither will win. Nan 🙂


  3. margirene says:

    Chilling! Very clever to have so much story in so few words. I wonder who’ll make the next move.


  4. AnnIsikArts says:

    There’s a big back story here. You set the scene well, too. Next it got mysterious – I want to know who these people are and why they’re killing each other off. An achievement in for just 100 words:)


  5. Hi AEC,
    Their hitmen got each other, and now he is next… scary and wonderful. I hope I interpreted it right.


  6. Elephant, She’s not so easy to get rid of. Now he’ll have to watch his back. Well written. 🙂 —Susan


  7. Dear Elephant,

    I can almost feel the sweat coursing down his back at her appearance. Oops. Well done.




  8. emmylgant says:

    Cette histoire chavire tout.
    À la dernière phrase bien sûr. ..
    Le bourreau change de visage.
    Excellent comme d’hab.


  9. JKBradley says:

    I can see it all, the attempt at murdering her, the cover story, the surprise when she arrives at the café, the scent of salt and fear. I loved it. I wonder at the back story which brought them here, at this café, and might they be civil before it all comes to close?



  10. I can just picture that smile, outwardly warm, but poisonous underneath. It sounds like he’s getting what’s coming to him though.


  11. Lovely visuals. But count me among the confused


  12. RoSy says:

    Gotta’ be careful who you cross or mess with – eh?


  13. Some wonderful visual stuff in there. But the meaning eludes me.


  14. liz young says:

    I liked the images you built up but the end left me puzzled.


  15. camgal says:

    Enigmatic words AnElephant.


  16. I like the feel and rhythm of this, but I confess to being at sea about the closing lines. All the best on “Yes”, BTW.



  17. Not a woman to be messed with, it seems- intriguing story


  18. Hm, the games we play with the ones we love the most…Very intriguing piece.


  19. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear AEC,

    A mystery within your 100 words? I like it.




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