Haibun Thinking about Haibun Thinking

AnElephantCant deny it
His poor old mammoth heart is sinking
Al isn’t here is he
He is much too busy
So he has sadly but hopefully only temporarily given up Haibun Thinking

AnElephant decides to continue his one-pachyderm assault on the elegant genre of Haibun.
He dedicates this to his friends Al the pigeon man, Anja and Michael, who made Haibun Thinking possible.

sidewalk cafe by anelephantcant

sidewalk cafe by anelephantcant

Pigeon Man

He relaxes outside his favourite café, his feet shoeless on a second chair.
His hands behind his head, he enjoys the late afternoon sunshine on his face.
He feels himself drifting off, does not care, he is comfortable in his surroundings.
He is wakened abruptly by a shrill English voice.
Oh, look at that!
He sees the excited lady among the tourists at the next table, then the pigeon on his.
It is eating peanuts out of the dish in front of him.
He grins.
Shoo it away, she exclaims, waving her arms in explanation, shoo it away!
He thinks of his pal Al, famous for his love of pigeons.
Well, he was teased mercilessly by his friends (see above) after using a second pigeon picture on his Sunday Photo Fiction site.
He smiles at the poor agitated lady.
Nah, he says, closing his eyes again, not unless it starts on my beer.

AnElephant is happy
to share his peanuts
with another hungry creature

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12 Responses to Haibun Thinking about Haibun Thinking

  1. Penny L Howe says:

    Excellent, across the board, even the lovely shot of “someone’s” legs! 🙂


  2. RoSy says:

    Made me smile. 🙂
    And – nice cameo appearances. 😉


  3. emmylgant says:

    Fabuleux! Tu vois, quand tu écris comme ça, si près du vrai, si près du beau, tu m’emmènes dans la magie simple que j’essaie de capturer autrement, la magie de vivre consciemment sans se prendre la tête.
    J’adore celui-ci.


  4. Al says:

    That made me smile and brought a tear to my eye. A truly fantastic Haibun. Thank you 🙂


  5. Esther says:

    What an exhausting life!


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