Piano Player – Friday Fictioneers

AnElephantCant take much time this week
He is still packing his trunk
He makes the inference
That you may see the difference
But in fact it is just the usual junk

AnElephant apologises to all other Fictioneers for the lack of visits last week and this.
He emigrates to France (from Scotland) tomorrow, so he is a wee mite busy!

So it is Friday Fictioneer time again.
The idea is to write a very short story, circa 100 words, based on a picture prompt (below).
That’s it.

Copyright John Nixon

Copyright John Nixon

Piano Player

Do you really think that this is a good idea?
He assures me he has overcome this sort of problem hundreds of times.
And you believe that he knows what he is doing?
Well, he says he is a professional.
Do we know if he is any good?
He says that he is the best.
But at that angle, really?
He says he has been doing it for years.
He won’t damage anything inside the piano?
He says it will come out clean as a whistle.
And he really thinks he can get his ball onto the green from there?

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41 Responses to Piano Player – Friday Fictioneers

  1. summerstommy says:

    Great idea, very good, made me laugh.


  2. elappleby says:

    fabulous! highly imaginative 😀


  3. I laughed out loud while reading this! Excellent writing!


  4. petrujviljoen says:

    Loved it!


  5. Very nice. Loved the twist at the end.


  6. Sarah Ann says:

    Great conversation and not the last line I was expecting. Loved it.


  7. kz says:

    ah brilliant flash, well done ^^


  8. A hole in one. The drinks are on you. Good luck in France.


  9. annisik51 says:

    We’ve written similar stories in different ways! An enjoyable read. Hope you enjoy La Belle France. We left in 2010 after 11 years.


  10. angelgal3176 says:

    Funny. At first you think the guy might be cleaning the piano (because he’s “a professional” and doing it from an odd angle), then BOOM he’s playing golf. Nice….


  11. neenslewy says:

    Another great flash! And I thought it was complicated to get the ball out of the rough!


  12. Hahaha – that was wonderful! Well done!


  13. troy P. says:

    It took me a second, and then it all came together – perfect! Bravo, and good fortune with your move!


  14. Shreyank says:

    well the end came as a surprise ! hilarious 🙂 safe travel !


  15. Haha! Brilliant! I had no idea what the outcome was going to be! And all after emigrating – perhaps you need to relocate more often… 😉


  16. julespaige says:

    Hubby would enjoy this…he attempts to Flog…well what we personally call golf.
    Cheers to you Elephant!


  17. Hope you can continue to get your ball onto the green, even from France.


  18. Carrie says:

    LOL! I was tempted to play on the “golf” attire for mine but went a little bit more horror instead of funny 🙂


  19. Linda Vernon says:

    Bravo!! 😀 Applauding and laughing! :d


  20. colonialist says:

    A stroke of notable genius.


  21. Aw, this made me laugh. Good one! (Also, I trust you are able to breath through all the possessions you have packed in your trunk!)


  22. With my limited golf experience this only gets a groan and a smirk from me. 😉
    Safe travels.


  23. H. Ken Abell says:

    Really like the back and forth on this one. Great punchline.


  24. Penny L Howe says:

    All the other comments beat me to the punch, saying it all quite clearly! Definely a hole in one on all grounds! 🙂 xo


  25. Bet Tiger could do it. Of course, he probably wouldn’t have hit the ball there in the first place. Good luck with your move. May the weather be with you.


  26. wmqcolby says:

    Hahahaha!!! A TRUE Scotsman at that! And the tradition carries on here in America as well. Great shot, Elephant!


  27. WilderSoul says:

    Allo! Sacre bleu! What a fun blog – obviously stark raving bonkers! Join the club! Looking forward to seeing more of you and may have to take you up on the writing prompts. What a photo – he don’t look much like a piano player… although sometimes that is a good way to learn – Just Dive In!


  28. You should have called out, “Fore”, so I could have seen that one coming. Safe and easy moving to you.



  29. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    from Scotland to France, you say. Well, that explains the golf humour, darling!


  30. zookyworld says:

    Great last line that I didn’t see coming at all. I hope all goes well with your big move. Maybe there will be a French influence to your writing after the move?


  31. Joe Owens says:

    Play it where it lies. Reminds me of the pro golfer that found his ball inside the toilet at a major golf course and did his best to recover.


  32. gotta love golfers – delightful story
    please have a safe and enjoyable trip – excited for your and your new life


  33. vbholmes says:

    “He says he has been doing it for years.” Getting the ball into the piano on a regular basis is what takes some real doing….Original take on the prompt.


  34. Talk about a trick shot. 🙂 I think you did pretty well, considering you’re moving tomorrow. Got in early and with a great piece. Good luck with the move!


  35. Sandra says:

    It does look like golfing garb! Well done, made me smile. Enjoy your travels, I’m back from mine for a few weeks.


  36. emmylgant says:

    Quelle imagination! Trop rigolo et surtout, surtout, je ne m’y attendais pas! 🙂


  37. Alastair says:

    I am the same as Rochelle – I laughed out loud. Brilliant. Safe travels my friend, and I will see you on Friday


  38. high five and raspberries says:

    An elephant was really on his game with this one ! Bon voyage mon ami..


  39. Dear Elephant,

    You made me laugh out loud. That last line’s a birdie for sure…possibly a hole in one. Safe travels to you.




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