Inspiration – the Līgo Haībun Challenge

AnElephantCant deny he is excited
This challenge whets his imagination
He is sure you can see
He does not need Fantasy
For him reality provides enough Inspiration

Time for the next Līgo Haībun Challenge.
The topic for this week (starting 29th April) is Inspiration (or Fantasy) –

Inspiration in Queen's Park, Glasgow

Inspiration in Queen’s Park, Glasgow


Where do you get all your ideas?

He almost laughs aloud at the question.
But treats it seriously.
His mind wanders briefly to Venice, San Francisco, Marseille.
To the banks of the Somme and the Columbia Rivers.
To the Snoqualmie Pass and Glencoe.
To Loch Lomond and the Puget Sound.
To the Mediterranean Sea and to Engish Bay, Vancouver, BC.
He thinks of the trees, the birds, the animals he has seen, and talked to.
And of the people who have treated him so well everywhere he has been.

Then he answers.

Do you remember we went down the Clyde on the Waverley Paddle Steamer, past all the huge cranes and under the Erskine Bridge, to Helensburgh where we found crabs in rock pools?
And when we went to the Museum of Transport, the Glasgow Science Centre, the new National Museum in Edinburgh, the Bird Sanctuary at Lochwinnoch?

He smiles at his 7 year-old grandson, for whom he has written three children’s books, innumerable poems and short stories, and more daft rhymes than you can shake a stick at, even if it is a secret dragon-hunting mammoth-catching super-hydrosonic magic stick!

You taught me that every time we go to the park it is a new adventure.

is another word
for love of life

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25 Responses to Inspiration – the Līgo Haībun Challenge

  1. belindacrane says:

    Every moment we experience can be something we can write about. Throw in a few different moments and mix them around, we come across that thing we call our imagination that is an untamed frontier. I love this piece Mr Elephant!


  2. kz says:

    wonderfully written.
    “reality provides enough Inspiration” – i agree with every word 🙂


  3. Great one elephant. and the haiku jsut sums it up perfectly.


  4. Sarah Ann says:

    Thank you for sharing your sources of inspiration. Can you tell me where I can get one of those DHMCSHM sticks from?


  5. Peripatetic Eric says:

    Wonderfully written reminder to open up to life.


  6. nightlake says:

    All the other readers are also beneficiaries of your inspiration. Looking at everything from a child’s perspective is one of the main keys to inspiration


    • Wow, how very good of you to say so.
      AnElephant is quite touched by that.
      But your second point is so true, a child’s wonder cuts through our cynicism and re-opens the magic that is our world.


  7. Penny L Howe says:

    Yes, all true. Beautifully written, I love the quality of your written word, anelphantcan’t know how many he inspires when he shares his talent with others. Thank you, 🙂


  8. RoSy says:

    Your haiku summed that all up perfectly!
    I see the bow on it too 😉


  9. Sunshine says:

    a beautiful reflection on taking time to slow down and see inspiration (and LOVE of LIFE) that surrounds us…♥


  10. emmylgant says:

    C’est magnifique, c’est poétique, c’est authentique, c’est émouvant, plus que touchant… C’est beau.
    Tu m’emmènes avec toi de nouveau à travers tes souvenirs de voyages comme tu l’as fait avant dans des compte- rendus inspirés et rimés. Et maintenant je vois le regard bleu d’un petit garçon plein de vie et d’inspiration.
    Et en plus, il y a le haïku dont la sensibilité, la vérité et l’harmonie me mettent à genoux.
    Absolument superbe.


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